clutch problem/adjustment issue


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So I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct section..didn't know if I should've posted in 7th gen. or here. Mods please feel free to move if this thread is better suited in another section.

Here is what happened and my problem:
I was sitting at a red light, clutch out, in neutral. When the light turns green I depress the clutch pedal and hear a loud, sharp bang, but didn't feel it, like through the seat or pedal, just heard a bang. And then the pedal is just limp on the floor. Although the pedal was all the way to the floor, the clutch was still engaged so I couldn't go into any gear.
At this point im sitting dead at the light can't move. So what I did was use the tip of my foot to pull the clutch pedal back up, upon which it sprung back up to it's normal engaged position. Depressed again, slid into 1st, and went on my way.
But here's the thing, now the clutch engages like right off the floor. As soon as my foot comes off the floor(like <1in) the clutch engages, so I'm bucking and jerking around like a 16 year old just learning to drive stick. Even though it works now, obviously something is wrong. Judging by the bang, and what happened afterward, it almost seems like the clutch "connection?" broke. Like the pedal attached to the release fork, somewhere in between snapped or something.
My question is, are the clutch pedals on EM2's adjustable like on the Integra's? Is it even an engagement point adjustment issue? This is really scaring me because after spending $5500 on the car, I don't really have money to fix anything.

I'm pissed because I really thought I bought a great car, MD inspected emissions passed and all. I mean I guess just because something failed doesn't mean I bought a piece of crap..but still.

Any ideas? Someone please help!!


Sounds like a broken/cracked release fork to me. Pull off the dust cover and inspect it.



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5+ Year Member
Okay, I'm studying that diagram and I'm just slightly confused..that is under the car right? Like the underside of the shifter box?
But if it were a damaged release fork, why would it start working again after I pulled the pedal up? If it were broken it would just not work right?


First, it's so easy to inspect, so what do you have to loose?

If the fork is just cracked, it might act like the problem you are having, and it's just a matter of time before it fails.


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Okay thanks RonJ, I'll check that tomorrow in the daylight.

But is the clutch travel/engagement adjustable like in my 'teg?


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Thanks a LOT Ron!!

But geez, now it's doing the opposite, engages/disengages right off the top. Like I only have to push it 2-3inches for the clutch to disengage, if I do push all the way to the floor, it seems like it sticks. Like there's glue on the floor that it's getting stuck to? Idk how else to describe it.

Idk what to do, tomorrow I'm taking it to the shop, throwing the b***h up and checking out what you guys suggested. But I have a quick question: is it harmful or wear anything(gears, synchro, clutch) faster if I just pull it out of gear without clutching in? Like say I'm accelerating up through fifth gear and I want to just cruise in neutral, instead of clutching in, just pulling the shift lever into neutral. You guys know that moment between the engine accelerating and decelerating where there's zero load on the drivetrain and it'll fall out of gear with very little effort.
Is this harmful?


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Eh today it gave out totally. The pedal just went limp. I checked the reservior and it was very very low, so I filled it, and "pumped" the clutch(lifted it up and down) but it didn't do anything.

I have no clue what to do. I don't have a lift or the right tools so I got it towed to the shop. Gonna check it out first thing in the morning so I'm praying it's nothing TOO bad. I'm kind of hoping it's just a broken release fork and not the pressure plate because I don't want to have to pull it all apart.

Ugh..made an already crappy day even worse.


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So my first thought was that I had low fluid being low, it was almost to where the "pickup" tube level. So I
filled it to the max line but it didn't make it any better.

But here's what the problem was.

The bolt holding the slave cylinder to the tranny totally snapped. That was definitely the "bang/snap" sound that I heard. I can't believe it held on for that long!
So now I have to drill out the old bolt, rethread the hole, and then bolt it back on. I really hope the slave cylinder is okay, I'd hate to have to spring for a new one


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So the car has been at the shop and I haven't been able to look at it, but judging by this diagram, am I safe to assume that the SC(slave cylinder) is mounted on the transmission? It's #7 on the diagram. Also, how difficult would it be to have to drill out the broken bolt? Like I said I don't have the car so I can't go look but am I going to be able to access it in order to drill out the bolt, and then replace it and maybe the whole SC with the car on the ground? Do you guys think I'll have to remove other stuff to get to it?

btw, is there anyone in MD or close enough that can come help me drill the broken bolt and then R&R the slave?


The slave cylinder is mounted on the clutch housing. You'll see it between the radiator and engine. You may get good access to the broken bolt by removing the bumper and radiator. Post a picture of the broken bolt. You may be able to score the broken bolt with a Dremmel tool and then simply remove it with a flat head screw driver.


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Have you checked your clutch master cylinder?

Mine went out last week. The pedal went straight to the floorboard and it wouldnt come out.

Replaced it, and works like a charm
