Largest shark ever caught


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This happens to be the largest shark ever to be caught. It was caught by accident in Malta in 1987. It happened to be 7 metres long!!

This happens to be the only photo in colour. The other photos which are a group of 5 are all in black and white.


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I'm NOT eran!
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I'm pretty sure this is no longer the largest shark ever caught. This might be the largest in a certain class of sport fishing or the largest from that area.

Also, sadly that image has nothing stating the actual length of the fish. Oh, and it apears to be Great White.
How big do Great Whites get?

Great whites average 12-16 feet long (3.7-4.9 m) long and, when mature, females are generally larger than males. The biggest white shark accurately measured was 19'6" and was caught in Western Australia. In 1987, fisherman estimated a shark caught in South Australia to be about 22 to 23 ft and, although it was never accurately measured, its jaw, tooth and fin size suggest this estimation could be true. There are many accounts of this species reaching sizes of over 30ft, but none of these have been proven.
Judging by most of what I see online, and what I already know, more than likely the largest shark to be caught (on a line at least) would be a Great White Shark and it would more than likely be caught around Australia. The White Shark is only the largest known "dangerous" shark though... and we know there are ;argest sharks out there.
Dear Yahoo!:
What is the largest fish ever caught?
Dear Ishmael:
We fished around an ocean of web sites to reel in the answer to your question. According to Ocean Link and several other fish-fact sites, the Whale Shark, or Rhincodon typus, holds the title of largest fish ever caught. In 1919, a specimen measuring 59 feet was captured in the Gulf of Thailand. Not coincidentally, the Whale Shark is considered the largest species of fish, as adults often grow to be 45 feet long and can weigh up to 15 tons.

Whale Sharks are not related to whales (which are mammals, not fish). They may have earned the name because of their large size and the fact that, like whales, Whale Sharks are filter feeders. They suck up plankton and small sea creatures as they swim with their mouths open. Despite having thousands of teeth, this type of shark is harmless to humans.

Whale sharks are found in the warm, tropical oceans of the world, although their numbers are declining. The 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species labels the Whale Shark as a "vulnerable" species, meaning that it faces a high risk of extinction in the wild in the not-too-distant future.
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Jipstar said:
This happens to be the largest shark ever to be caught. It was caught by accident in Malta in 1987. It happened to be 7 metres long!!

This happens to be the only photo in colour. The other photos which are a group of 5 are all in black and white.
Okay, just found info on this shark. It's not that long.
Until very recently, the largest scientifically-accepted Great White was a 7-metre (23-foot) long specimen captured off Malta, in the Mediterranean Sea, in April 1987. Unfortunately, later investigation revealed that its length was exaggerated by about 25%.


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^^^ lol so wrong :lol:


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Yeah i just read that it was in fact about 5.2 metres but I am pretty sure it is one of the largest great white sharks ever caught, not sure. I could be wrong....


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Jezek said:
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and no i'm not lol, I wasn't even born here in Malta. I actually was born in the states, so no reason to show off.. Ha ha ha... :lol:


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I would like to punch it in its face.


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Jipstar said:
I hope you're not talking about this part (the only part with black and white pics on that page).

But in July 1998 a team of B.B.C journalists, discovered that there existed other photos taken by a local newspaper reporter. Copies of these photos were obtained and after some scientific tests and studies were done on them, the truth came out. This Great White could not have been more than 5.3 mtrs.!!!! Here are the Photos.



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Yeah I was talking about those NOFX. I don't know now. Some say that was the largest shark ever caught, some say that it was 5.3 metres long. I don't know now. But hey! It's a big shark indeed!


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97civicracer said:
always someone raining on a parade.
Okay... then I have the fastest Civic. Now don't you go and post anything saying I'm wrong because then you'll be raining on my parade. ;) And posting the truth is bad.

I wasn't mean to him and it is a big shark. I'm interested in sharks and other marine life thought and I knew there were larger sharks caught than that one. No big deal.


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No, no, I just found that site that it suggested that this was the largest shark caught! Now I just forward it!!

Turned out to be wrong eh!! Well thanks guys for telling me!!! Malta hasn't caught the biggest shark than! Ha ha.
