How To: Remove Cruise Control in a 6th Gen


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Ok, so since I NEVER use my Criuse Control, I figured why have it in? Its just taking up room, and making the engine bay look awful. So, I decided to do a How To on this, b/c I didnt really find one on here. (Mods, can you please move this to the How To section.)

Difficulty Level: 3/10 - Easy
Time Needed to Complete: About 30 minutes, depending on how fast you work.
Tools Needed:
  • 10mm Socket and Extension
  • Electrical Tape
  • A knife, scissors or something to cut thru rubber
Ok, to begin with, make sure your engine is fairly cool. It dosent have to be stone cold, just cool enough where you wont burn yourself on it. Plus, with it being slightly warm, itll help pull off the vacuum lines.

First off, if you're working in a garage like me, turn the radio on so you dont drive yourself crazy from the silence.

Pop up the hood, and locate the Cruise Control unit. Its the ugly round thing behind the drivers side headlight (right next to the power steering pump).

Next, unclip the plugs. It should be attached to the Cruise Control unit. (Mines not because it took it off, intending on doing a wire tuck.) Tape off the end thats attached to the car, and tuck it down below the windshield washer fluid resevoir to get it out of view. Be sure to move the throttle cable out of the holder too.

Next, get your 10mm socket/wrench, and take off the top 2 bolts. They come out nice and easy.

Now, before you start pulling/ripping the unit out, theres a 3rd bolt holding it down underneith it. You dont have to remove it fully, just loosen it up a good amount. The part of the unit that holds it in place down there, isnt a full circle. Its a 1/2 circle type thing, so once you loosen it up, you can slide it towards the engine, and it should be free.

Remove the two hoses that are connect to the front side of the unit. Your gonna hear some air pressure being release. Thats ok. Now, let the unit rest where it is, because we gotta remove the black canister up in the corner of the bay, and the throttle cable that goes to the firewall.

Find the black canister in the upper driverside of the engine bay. Theres a clip on the fender-side of it. Pull the clip towards the fender, and pull up. (Sorry for the blurry picture.)

Follow the black hose that leads off of the black canister, in towards the center of the engine bay. It leads to the back of the intake manifold. Pull it off. This is where it helps to have the engine alittle warm, as it does come off hard.

Now you can pull the black canister out, along w/the two vacuum lines attached to it. Now, make your way over to inside of the car. Get up under the dash, to the pedals. This is the hardest part of this project. Look up for two cables comming out of the firewall. Both go to the gas pedal. Push on the gas pedal to find out which one is the actual throttle cable. The one that moves is the one you DONT want. Reach way up ontop of the pedal assembly, and push/pull the cable up and out of the assembly. Its actually really easy, but the hardest part is actually getting your hand up there. Especially if your 6'2', 200lbs. (Again, sorry for the blurry pictures. It was a hard picture to take, especially b/c of the lack of room up in that area.)

Once you have the cable off, head back out to the engine bay. Follow the cable comming off the side of the Cruise Control unit. It leads to the firewall. Where it meets the firewall, turn it (I dont remember which way, sorry.) It should pull right out, and now you can finally take the whole Cruise Control unit out of the engine bay.

Now you have a little hole in your firewall. I just covered it w/some electrical tape, just in case.

Next, find the thicker vacuum line that you disconnected from the Cruise Control unit. It should be facing the strut tower, right next to the Power Steering resevoir tank.

Follow it down to the frame. It meets the frame right behind the headlight.

With alittle bit of muscle, pull it off. Its really not needed since the Cruise Control unit isnt there. All it does is suck up air to creat a vacuum affect.

Now, take some of the smaller black vacuum hoses that came out with the black canister. Cut about 1-2 inches off, and tape off one end of it with your electrical tape. Once your done with that, put the hose back on the back of the intake manifold where it origanally was.

After that, go start up the car, and make sure your idle is not bouncing around. If its consistant, all your work is done. If it bounces around, you have a leak somewhere on the tube you tapped off. Pick up your tools, any left overs, ect. Make sure you save your Cruise Control unit and the hoses, JUST incase you decide to put it back in. Installation is just reversed of removal.

Once your all done, your engine bay should look alot better.

Here is the removed Cruise Control unit, the black canister, and the hoses.

And some random pixors of my car.

If anyone has any comments, or questions, feel free to PM me. Enjoy!! :thumbs up.

Genuine Rolla

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:thumbs up

i wish i had a garage to work in.

nice write up.


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I've already done this and didn't think about writing a DIY at the time.

Pics are a little blurry but this should be something you can figure out without pics ;). Atleast I did.

Nice! :thumbs up


What's up my Ninja?!
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Good job man.


True Life:I drive a Civic
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cant you just relocate the cruise control unit to the firewall or down further in the bay? sorry if im reviving an old thread but i need to know


iTrader EVERYthing
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why would you? he took it out because he never used it. If you planned on keeping it, just leave it where its at. Also, i dont think relocating it would be a good idea since the cable it set up a certain way.


Super Moderator
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good write up. holy 4x4 man.


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I'd like to add that after you remove the unit, you can go on and remove the bracket in the upper corner that the little black canister was hooked onto. Then you can take that gray clip and just tuck it down behind the shock tower wall in the corner. Looks even better with that corner tucked.


SubGenius Member
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Now you gotta get a DX steering wheel.

why don't you use your cruise control? I guess i drive on the freeway too much. Set it at 2 or 3 mph above the speed limit and cruise right past the speed traps.


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I can't use cruise control. I HAVE to be in control of the gas/brake at all times. Cruise control just annoys the piss out of me. I'm one of those people that flutter the gas. Press a bit, let off, press a bit, let off.

Cruise control is just WAY too boring. Especially with a 4 hour road trip on the thruway that pretty much goes STRAIGHT for ~260 miles when I visit my girlfriend. I need my foot on the gas and be in control of my speed.


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amej8 said:
I can't use cruise control. I HAVE to be in control of the gas/brake at all times. Cruise control just annoys the piss out of me. I'm one of those people that flutter the gas. Press a bit, let off, press a bit, let off.

Cruise control is just WAY too boring. Especially with a 4 hour road trip on the thruway that pretty much goes STRAIGHT for ~260 miles when I visit my girlfriend. I need my foot on the gas and be in control of my speed.
Hahahah! My friend Depaved Dave is like that. I call him a "pedal pusher" because he has to be pushing a pedal at all times. Seriously. He gets anxious when I lift off the accelerator and don't push the brake immediately. He has to go from the gas to the brake:lol: And screw cruise control. He can't do it.

and he wonders why his brakes only last 15-20K miles. :lol:


iTrader EVERYthing
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Back on topic, does anyone know what size plug fits in the firewall hole? Ive tired at work, but they dont have a specific plug for it. Just sizes in MM, 20 was too big last time I tried, but I hate to go through each size.

HP Civic 2

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sk8shorty017 said:
Back on topic, does anyone know what size plug fits in the firewall hole? Ive tired at work, but they dont have a specific plug for it. Just sizes in MM, 20 was too big last time I tried, but I hate to go through each size.
like a bolt? I'm sure you're probably talking about something different but they probably have something like that at your local hardware store...


iTrader EVERYthing
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HP Civic 2 said:
like a bolt? I'm sure you're probably talking about something different but they probably have something like that at your local hardware store...
nah, like a rubber plug to plug the hole.


Dude wheres my honda
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I am sure there is a part number for it. I have been searching for another firewall plug a big one for a while now

I beleve the part you are looking for is number 9 on this chart however the part # nor the number was listed I don't think they make it any more And I still cant find the plug I need. I hate driving without the plug the hole lets cold air into the cabin.


iTrader EVERYthing
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bump, can anyone confirm the plug needed for the firewall once CC is removed?


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sk8shorty017 said:
bump, can anyone confirm the plug needed for the firewall once CC is removed?
In the morning, I can go out and measure the hole for you. I have no idea which plug fits it though. I just taped it off, and everything is just fine :what:

lilwhitecoupe said:
nice right up, question for ya, what is that sticker on the side ? of the door/ fender
It says "Honda Speed". I took it off tired of looking at it.


iTrader EVERYthing
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Yeah, I can measure it too. Its just at work, they dont identify the plug. Ive gone through 25mm, 20mm and 18mm. I mean, im sure eventually ill get the right one, but me being anal about OEM, I just want to know what honda had there and via the parts catalog at work, theres no way to tell. So maybe someone with a DX or something can help.


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sk8shorty017 said:
Yeah, I can measure it too. Its just at work, they dont identify the plug. Ive gone through 25mm, 20mm and 18mm. I mean, im sure eventually ill get the right one, but me being anal about OEM, I just want to know what honda had there and via the parts catalog at work, theres no way to tell. So maybe someone with a DX or something can help.
Oh, ok. I getcha now. I dont know anyone w/a DX, so I cant really help.....Ill check the local Honda dealer, tomorrow just for shits-n-giggles. Maybe they'll give me a part # on it.
