Zombie Survival Plan... Best place to go

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Me and a friend got into a discussion about the best place to go if/when zombies were to attack..

I'm saying Hawaii, since you are surrounded by ocean, and the only way to get there is by water or air.. Do you honestly thing zombies could pilot a plane or ship?

He says Alaska, because the Zombies would be freeze there. About the only arguement :lol:

So what do you guys think?

Hawaii? Alaska?


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chuck norris's house :slice:


Your mom's boyfriend
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Either Chuck Norris's house, Alaska, or one of those hidden monk temples up in the Himalayas. I don't think zombies could climb that well.


E thug.
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f**k that. I'm going to the Super Wal-Mart. Guns, food, air mattresses, pillows, TVs. f**k, man, the place is locked down, too. f**k a zombie, I'll live in that motherfucker forever!

Or load up a shitload of supplies and trek through the post-apocalyptic zombie infested world with my zombie life ending Wal-mart 12 guage and hunting rifle. Yep. That's what I would do.


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f**k that. I'm going to the Super Wal-Mart. Guns, food, air mattresses, pillows, TVs. f**k, man, the place is locked down, too. f**k a zombie, I'll live in that motherfucker forever!

Or load up a shitload of supplies and trek through the post-apocalyptic zombie infested world with my zombie life ending Wal-mart 12 guage and hunting rifle. Yep. That's what I would do.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats is by far the funniest post i have ever read on here.

you win.


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"The ZOMBIE Survival Guide" by Max Brooks

Its all in there.

But the best place to go is somewhere very remote, but do it as soon as possible. But to continue this conversation because my brother and I talk about this all the time.

Best weapon?
Best vehicle?

this could be a good debate.


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remote and a high elevation, perhaps?

f**k hawaii - haven't you seen 28 days later? england's an island, too.

weapons... i'd think as much as you could find would be good. high powered rifles for long distances, ftw. i'd prefer a blade for close and personal though. decapitation... woot. :lol:

military vehicle? something that doesn't incur damage if you squish it? :what:


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Super Wal-Mart?

It'll be great initially. But as we saw in Dawn of the Dead it's a death-trap.

Somewhere remote doesn't work either. When they do find you...well, you're screwed. See Night of the Living Dead.

I vote Antarctica.

Zombies would have to fly or have a boat to reach it.
Zombies would freeze solid.

Only problem with Antarctica is that John Carpenter's The Thing lives down there. It'll kill you and then doppleganger your ass to kill all your friends.

Best vehicle? M113 APC. It's armored, it's amphibious, it's durable, there are a lot of them so parts should not be an issue, It's simple and should work after an EMP burst, and it'll squash a lot of zombies.

I would prefer an M1 because you can burn anything in it, diesel, gas, kerosene...etc... but the 1 gallon per mile is a killer. No Go
M1126 Stryker or M3 Bradley would also consume more fuel than the M113, less parts are availiable. No Go.
Marine AAV? :what: It's fully amphibious but again less availiable than the M113 and consumes more fuel.


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uhmm, f**k all your ideas. im living on a cruise ship.. enough food to feed 4000 people for 10 days (aka 1 person with 3 meals a day for 40,000 days). enough fuel to run the generators for several years if i dont drive around. i could park it off shore, use the life vessels for quick trips to land for supplies if needed. basketball courts, mini golf, arcade, pools, surfing, not to mention an on board casino which i could rig all the machines to be free............. yeaah


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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you guys keep talking about zombies piloting ships lol. They fall in the ocean, bloat up and the currents take them around the world. No island is safe. They don't drown.


Rubbin on yo booty
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serious? walmart? army cars? knives? rifles? cruise ships? wtf?

havent you guys seen I AM LEGEND? them mother f**kers would get you with the quickness!


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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serious? walmart? army cars? knives? rifles? cruise ships? wtf?

havent you guys seen I AM LEGEND? them mother f**kers would get you with the quickness!
those aren't zombies


Rubbin on yo booty
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well s**t, close enough.


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those aren't zombies
you are exactly right, those aren't zombies, they are more like vampires

alright, so my thoughts on the weapon.

First off, the blade is a great way to go for up close combat. Second, you'd want to get a 22 caliber rifle or pistol. Think about it, all the guns you guys are thinking about. Do you really want to carry around that much ammo? At least with the 22, every store or home that you come too, could have a 22 caliber stock of shells. Remember, it only takes a head shot.

Vehicles - I know you guys are gonna hate this, but the best vehicle, long term, is a bicycle, because eventually we are going to run out of gas or someone is going to take over the gas pumps, militia style, then you have to barter.

Good call on the island and that zombies in the ocean. They can't drown, so they will eventually get to you


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you are exactly right, those aren't zombies, they are more like vampires

alright, so my thoughts on the weapon.

First off, the blade is a great way to go for up close combat. Second, you'd want to get a 22 caliber rifle or pistol. Think about it, all the guns you guys are thinking about. Do you really want to carry around that much ammo? At least with the 22, every store or home that you come too, could have a 22 caliber stock of shells. Remember, it only takes a head shot.

Vehicles - I know you guys are gonna hate this, but the best vehicle, long term, is a bicycle, because eventually we are going to run out of gas or someone is going to take over the gas pumps, militia style, then you have to barter.

Good call on the island and that zombies in the ocean. They can't drown, so they will eventually get to you
my thoughts exactly about the guns. whats the point in having some large caliber rifle or handgun if you cant find ammo for it. 9mm's and .22's FTW.

and i agree about the island situation. once they find your island your f**ked! that's why im living on a cruise ship :lol:


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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.22 long rifle with a scope = Win.

the bullet has enough energy to penetrate the skull but not enough to exit, so it bounces around inside the skull and fuxors the brain. Also, it's quiet. Zombies have excellent hearing so the quieter the gun the better.

Strangely enough, one of the best things to have in a zombie invasion is a castle/high walled compound. Anything designed and stocked to deal with a siege.

The most important thing in that situation would be a way to relax and save your sanity, the constant moaning of Zombies could easily drive someone over the edge.


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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Until a hurricane comes and f**ks you in the ass.


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Until a hurricane comes and f**ks you in the ass.
a cruise ship can survive a hurricane, else there wouldnt be caribbean cruises during the hurricane season. we'll just park it in san juan or something and hunker down :thumbup:


Rubbin on yo booty
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k2, you make good valid points, only one thing.. bicycle? for transportation? sure the thought of it is great, no need for gas, electricity, etc.. but one thing.. what they got you cornered and the only way out is through them.. your gunna cycle what? 5-6mph through a pack of zombies? your f**ked!

anyways my choice of weapon would be a samurai sword. i would live in the cold mountains somewhere in kali, just in case i needed a beach to get to, i could.. but build me a fort in the mountains, so when IF they finally get up to me. i can pull out my sword and go rouroni kenshin on their asses!
