alright had a big storm earlier, and there was tons of lightning. i wish i would have started recording earlier as i kind of caught the end of it, but here are a few pictures i caught. These are the only ones that turned out and i wish i had better ones but this still proves that with CHDK you can take lightning shots durring the day!
They're grainy because i tried to use an iso of 200, which was a bad idea. it seems like it was too quick and only getting the beginning of the bolt. i should have used a longer shutter speed. ohwell i know that much for the next storm we get
tell me what you guys think!
fyi, i did not touch the camera at all to do this, these pictures were achieved entirely by the camera detecting the change in scene from the lightning bolt and snapping the picture. reaction time between sensing the change and opening the shutter is about ~75ms. human reaction speed is about 250-300ms, its super human :-) . All of this from just a point and shoot camera :-)