Matt Damon makes a good point..

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Then why are you agreeing with Damon's idiotic comments? I gotta say I Iike most of Damon's movies, but this statement was mostly opinion and theory. But then again I guess he was stuck to the script pretty well.
Because it's true. She came out of no where, we don't know much about her. She ran a small town and was a governor, that's about all we know. (I'm not bringing her family into this because they are completely irrelevant.)

Stop looking at what he's saying, and read INTO what he's saying.


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You never know if his son wanted to be tazed to see what it feels like :what:

Some people get tazed because they want to know what the experience is like, I don't think any SANE man would taze his son for no apparent reason.
what if a kid wants to know what its like to smoke crack, or to hang himself, or get hit with a pr24? at the end of the day you are a PARENT and a POLICE officer, and that means you have to make the correct choices...

This just goes to show how much of an idiot you are. :what:

They used a picture of Obama in a traditional Kenyan outfit, which his was father. How is that wrong? He's proud of his heritage.

All McCain talks about is how he's a former POW, I have love for my Country I was a POW. I was a POW. I was a POW.

Yeah, well, I f**ked my girl, don't see me using that as my headline for running for president.
its funny how you UPSELL obama in a kenya outfit and downplay mccain as a war vetran..

"its ok to be proud of african heritage but not ok to be proud that you served your country.." yeah.. i disagree.. war vet > kenya outfit

Obama was a professor, and from what was reported, he was extremely well liked by coworkers and students alike. I think that says something.
HOLY f**k! you are kidding people.. umm people like him? well f**k that will make for a great president you are absolutely right... sarcasm.. IT DOESNT SAY s**t..

He tough Constitional Law, he was a senior lecturer, but University of Chicago called him a professor.
does that mean something different than the millions of other people who ever tought constitutional law? and who cares what he tought hes already made clear that he wants to BUTCHER the right to bear arms..

McCain fought wars, Obama taught Constitutional Law as a professor.
so basically mccain went out and defended the constitution and the values it represents.. and obama talked about them.. good point.. JUST like the election.. obama TALKS about change.. he is apparently good at talking..

mccain >


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Because it's true. She came out of no where, we don't know much about her. She ran a small town and was a governor, that's about all we know. (I'm not bringing her family into this because they are completely irrelevant.)

Stop looking at what he's saying, and read INTO what he's saying.
What YOU just said is true. She came out of nowhere, and we don't know much about her.

In the absence of real facts Damon spews a bunch of leftist crap to influence those that won't look into it themselves.


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what if a kid wants to know what its like to smoke crack, or to hang himself, or get hit with a pr24? at the end of the day you are a PARENT and a POLICE officer, and that means you have to make the correct choices...

its funny how you UPSELL obama in a kenya outfit and downplay mccain as a war vetran..

"its ok to be proud of african heritage but not ok to be proud that you served your country.." yeah.. i disagree.. war vet > kenya outfit

HOLY f**k! you are kidding people.. umm people like him? well f**k that will make for a great president you are absolutely right... sarcasm.. IT DOESNT SAY s**t..

does that mean something different than the millions of other people who ever tought constitutional law? and who cares what he tought hes already made clear that he wants to BUTCHER the right to bear arms..

so basically mccain went out and defended the constitution and the values it represents.. and obama talked about them.. good point.. JUST like the election.. obama TALKS about change.. he is apparently good at talking..

mccain >
Being a war vet does not qualify you for anything. Both of my parent are military, I have cousins in the military, my best friend is an officer in the Marines. What does this mean that they all qualify as possible presidental candidates? Just because you served in a scermish (vietnam) doesn't make you apt to be president. I think people have lost sight of what the president is for. The president should be able to inspire , lead, and help the nation grow together. McCain can't lead this nation the way that it should be. He is too old, do you think a 72 year old man can lead a super power into the future filled with prosperity? No, he will keep stamping us down the same path George W has and that path is backwards.

The right to bear arms is a big part of the constitution because back when the document was written the big way to defend a city was by militia. I wouldn't see a problem with pushing back the right to bare arms. Guns are too cheap and people are too quick to cling on to a gun for safety. With less guns in the market the black market value of guns should go up. This could keep crackhead or random desperate people from being able to pick up a gun off a person for under 100 bucks. I think guns are such a waste of time. It shows how cowardly a majority of the nation is. Why have a instrument of death laying around?

The president is not the right hand of god. The president is not a position for warriors. It is a position to lead and shape the nation. We need to have a president that will speak on his own valition. Which is rare because neither side does a speech that they themselves have written. Of the two candidates Obama speaks the most for growth in the nation.


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The right to bear arms is a big part of the constitution because back when the document was written the big way to defend a city was by militia. I wouldn't see a problem with pushing back the right to bare arms. Guns are too cheap and people are too quick to cling on to a gun for safety. With less guns in the market the black market value of guns should go up. This could keep crackhead or random desperate people from being able to pick up a gun off a person for under 100 bucks. I think guns are such a waste of time. It shows how cowardly a majority of the nation is. Why have a instrument of death laying around?
When you post a sign in your yard proclaiming your stand on guns we can talk. Oh, and when you call the police because some crazed crackhead is breaking into your house, tell the police to leave their guns at the station ok? Guns are bad, right?


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When you post a sign in your yard proclaiming your stand on guns we can talk. Oh, and when you call the police because some crazed crackhead is breaking into your house, tell the police to leave their guns at the station ok? Guns are bad, right?
I have no problem stating my issue on guns. I have no problem being able to defend myself in tough situations. When some crazed crackhead breaks into my house and I beat him unconcious I will call the cops and tell them to leave there guns behind because im not a pussy that hides behind a gun. Yes, a majority of time guns are bad.


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yep. especially when said crazed crackhead just so happens to be one of those pussies that need to hide behind a gun.

that's a shitload of win right there. :roll:


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yep. especially when said crazed crackhead just so happens to be one of those pussies that need to hide behind a gun.

that's a shitload of win right there. :roll:
That sounds like pure Thomas Hobbes fear mongering. I love how people try to scare people into thinking the way they do. They say we need guys because of crackhead, burgalers, etc. The truth is people don't need any of that garbage. People do not need to carry a gun. I'm 25 years old and have never encountered a situation where I could resolve the situation through words or with my hands. It's the cowards that hold on to their guns that make it easier for other people to easily attain guns at an inexpensive price. You can cower in a corner or hide under your blanket at night snuggled up to a gun but I say im more then fine without a gun. I like life and prefer not to be a merchant of death.


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I have no problem stating my issue on guns. I have no problem being able to defend myself in tough situations. When some crazed crackhead breaks into my house and I beat him unconcious I will call the cops and tell them to leave there guns behind because im not a pussy that hides behind a gun. Yes, a majority of time guns are bad.
all talk.. i respect your martial arts training and all but good luck throwing the flying arm bar at 3am to some drugged up 200+lb zombie.. i find it insulting the way you describe firearms.. a friearm is a took and in the right hands secured it creates safety in times when the government can not.. NO ONE deserves to deprive me of that right.. i own guns and im certainly no pussy..


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That sounds like pure Thomas Hobbes fear mongering. I love how people try to scare people into thinking the way they do. They say we need guys because of crackhead, burgalers, etc. The truth is people don't need any of that garbage. People do not need to carry a gun. I'm 25 years old and have never encountered a situation where I could resolve the situation through words or with my hands. It's the cowards that hold on to their guns that make it easier for other people to easily attain guns at an inexpensive price. You can cower in a corner or hide under your blanket at night snuggled up to a gun but I say im more then fine without a gun. I like life and prefer not to be a merchant of death.
you take NO account of your formal training VS the avergae untrained citizen.. lame..


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Being a war vet does not qualify you for anything. Both of my parent are military, I have cousins in the military, my best friend is an officer in the Marines. What does this mean that they all qualify as possible presidental candidates? Just because you served in a scermish (vietnam) doesn't make you apt to be president. I think people have lost sight of what the president is for. The president should be able to inspire , lead, and help the nation grow together. McCain can't lead this nation the way that it should be. He is too old, do you think a 72 year old man can lead a super power into the future filled with prosperity? No, he will keep stamping us down the same path George W has and that path is backwards.
sure being a vet doesnt make you qualified to be the president.. does a kenya suit and some college?


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yep. especially when said crazed crackhead just so happens to be one of those pussies that need to hide behind a gun.

that's a shitload of win right there. :roll:
dont waste your time.. greg appaerntly thinks that his skill is equal to that of a 80 year old elderly man living alone.. ALL americans are just like him and have formal martial arts training and with the wink of an eye can disarm an attacker...

sarcasm by the way


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you take NO account of your formal training VS the avergae untrained citizen.. lame..
First, I don't know what you are trying to say in the statement. Second, I reguraly train with trained men that are well over 200 pounds. I've fought random people before in a public situation that were huge guys. I was thinking about guns the other day I don't see any kind of situation where I would want to have a gun. I certainly don't want to kill anyone and when it come to defending my family and myself I have done it before and I wouldn't have a problem doing it again. People don't need guns. If you have a gun I have no problem with that but I think it is a sad thing that people think they need to have weapons to defend themselves.


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sure being a vet doesnt make you qualified to be the president.. does a kenya suit and some college?
Talk about being superficial. You are into dark gothic s**t does that mean I should profile you as a pedofile? Just because he was raised over seas and went to a school in the middle east does not make him evil. Education matters when it comes to being president of the united states. I like the fact that Obama went to Harvard law. It's refreshing to have an educated person trying to get in the white house as opposed to a buisness man.


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First, I don't know what you are trying to say in the statement. Second, I reguraly train with trained men that are well over 200 pounds. I've fought random people before in a public situation that were huge guys. I was thinking about guns the other day I don't see any kind of situation where I would want to have a gun. I certainly don't want to kill anyone and when it come to defending my family and myself I have done it before and I wouldn't have a problem doing it again. People don't need guns. If you have a gun I have no problem with that but I think it is a sad thing that people think they need to have weapons to defend themselves.

even with "formal fighting training" if some a*****e breaks into my house with a weapon in the middle of the night.. will i 1) use my traingin and HOPE i can stop whatever agenda he has theft, rape of my gf, etc..? or will i 2) use lethal force to end it as fast as i can.. i will absolutely kill.. when it comes to a fight on the street, where the lives and safety of my lived ones is not on the table.. ill take my chances.. when it comes to an intruder in my home they are getting .40 hollowpoints because i want to be %100 sure they are STOPPED... im not so confident in my ability that id risk the lives of my loved ones to test that out..

do you understand that?


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Talk about being superficial. You are into dark gothic s**t does that mean I should profile you as a pedofile? Just because he was raised over seas and went to a school in the middle east does not make him evil. Education matters when it comes to being president of the united states. I like the fact that Obama went to Harvard law. It's refreshing to have an educated person trying to get in the white house as opposed to a buisness man.
i never called him evil based on that.. i simply said it has NO bearing on his ability to lead..


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dont waste your time.. greg appaerntly thinks that his skill is equal to that of a 80 year old elderly man living alone.. ALL americans are just like him and have formal martial arts training and with the wink of an eye can disarm an attacker...

sarcasm by the way
Once again your first statement makes no sense. If you could clairfy what you ment to say with all of that sarcasm I would appreciate it. I don't think I am superman if that is what you mean but I won't let the fact that I can be beaten or shot make me fear that and force me into buying a gun. I think all american have the opportunity to learn how to protect themselves. If that pass that up and hide behind a gun then that is fine that is there option. It is just sad that people think they need guns.


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Talk about being superficial. You are into dark gothic s**t does that mean I should profile you as a pedofile? Just because he was raised over seas and went to a school in the middle east does not make him evil. Education matters when it comes to being president of the united states. I like the fact that Obama went to Harvard law. It's refreshing to have an educated person trying to get in the white house as opposed to a buisness man.
do you know where bush went to school.. lol
