now that's a f'n drop!'


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Yeah, my friend uses koni/gc



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Don't have the other pic handy but right after this he hit his switch and dragged on the asphault it was hilarious, airbag on the back


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If I throw some GC's over my KYB's will I get lower?

Oh and so Shane's black ass doesn't get mad, here's a dumped car.

That looks kinda funny aha..

Im not saying everyone should put low offset wheels on their cars but wheels should at least be flush.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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Boosted, don't go that way man. That's just waiting for death to happen, like hooked said. Just save up and buy what Alex and I use, and a lot of other people and get Function/Form Type-I/II's. D2 and K-Sports work and made in the same factory as F/F's. Megan's get real low and have a nice price tag on them.
ya im just gonna stick with what i got til i can get some GC's....thanks for the advice guys


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His front camber arm is probably making its way through the hood right about now...
Front camber makes me QQ. I got new tires last....October/November and they're already past the wear bars. Might end up selling my sway bar and asr brace since I originally wanted to go autocrossing with them. But now that I need new front tires and will want a front alignment, autocrossing probably won't happen :(.


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Front camber makes me QQ. I got new tires last....October/November and they're already past the wear bars. Might end up selling my sway bar and asr brace since I originally wanted to go autocrossing with them. But now that I need new front tires and will want a front alignment, autocrossing probably won't happen :(.
I don't understand how people go through tires so fast.. I buy the shittiest walmart specials and go a little over a year with them and I have no camber kits or anything of the sort, I'm about an inch off the ground too. Oh yah, I never goitten an alignment in two years


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lol shitty wallmart tires mean hard as hell (compound) will take a lot to wear.

wish I could say the same for my Potenza RE-01's 1st autox 8 runs in i saw it wear. Went to tire rack for the day, and it chewed my tires like a cheeze grater.

Granted I had awesome traction and won my class.....


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What's so funny Mr. Notlow?

GC's will RAPE Kyb's. Thats whats so funny.

Sincerely, Mr. Notlow

Front camber makes me QQ. I got new tires last....October/November and they're already past the wear bars. Might end up selling my sway bar and asr brace since I originally wanted to go autocrossing with them. But now that I need new front tires and will want a front alignment, autocrossing probably won't happen :(.
Put FR tire on FL rim, and put FL tire on FR rim. I do it all the time, I just did it to my girls car. Makes tires last longer since you wear both sides evenly.


R.I.P Stephen Jackson
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GC's will RAPE Kyb's. Thats whats so funny.

Sincerely, Mr. Notlow
I'll probably spring for some extended top hats. I rode on stock shock for years, can't be any worse.

I have to get rid of my camber kit, I can hear my shock towers hitting it.

Black Magic

I'm Rick James, b***h
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What camber kits are you using? I haven't had any problems with my blox camber kits.
