WatisJDM Scammer? (robbie)


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hey guys..i was just cruisin around 8thcivic.com...

mainly because i sold the hatch and bought a 09 si sedan...either way...

i found this thread and i honestly couldn't believe what i was reading...


i've never personally met robbie (watisjdm) but i've seen many threads on here in the past that he has been very helpful and seems like a generally nice guy...works for honda ..parts i believe...

just figured i'd see if there was anything i missed...?

or help someone clear there name?


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I thought the same thing and even defended him, i thought it was just some noob jumping the gun but it sounds like its true..


D-Series Master
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Robbie is a good guy. Used to talk to him on AIM quite often. Hopefully he gets this all straightened out. He's not around here much b/c he traded his coupe for a RHD ITR.


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Yeah its all very true what is said in that thread, He posted it on multiple Honda forums


I'm back ....
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damn..i'm sorry to hear that then...i just figured i would ask around before i develop an opinion on the subject...sad to hear though..


I Tap JdmPrncss
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This suck's, i know the guy, (not personally; thru here) but i havent known him to be a scammer =/

hope he get's that s**t straightened out.


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Talk To Jdmjnky


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h o l y s h i t

didnt see that coming!


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he has people out for him on honda-tech too.


captin sleep0
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yeah i purchased some one on one time with his mom, but that ass scammed me too.

here is the thread:


Clit Commander
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i have not scammed anyone

im pretty sure your lip is on the way joel, so how are you getting scammed???


i have not scammed anyone

im pretty sure your lip is on the way joel, so how are you getting scammed???
Mofo, now you want to come out of hibernation, don't come at me sideways acting like I owe you anything!

I had to post everywhere, every forum that you never even shipped the lip, alerting ppl. your doing some shady behavior. You didn't do a damn thing but pass the baton. Someone had to go to your house and get my lip, along w/ other peoples parts, a lip that i will pay shipping for one more time just for me to get it.

So please do not hop on here w/ your head held high like you deserve a cookie! Ya dig!


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a lot of forum and members got involved. Lets see if i got this straight, cause I'm curious to what exactly went wrong.

Joel paid and bought a lip from Rob.

Rob never shipped the lip.

Someone else wen to robs house and got the lip shipped.

Joel is finally going to get his lip

Is that correct?


Clit Commander
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mhmm actually i couldnt get on the internet at home cause my roomate abl 2 fly on h-t has the balls to take internet away from me and my roomate kai, so havent had internet for almost a month now ive had to goto the library when i could get a ride, my phone got cut off a couple weeks ago and got it turned back on like a week ago

theres more to the story that u need to know


Clit Commander
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a lot of forum and members got involved. Lets see if i got this straight, cause I'm curious to what exactly went wrong.

Joel paid and bought a lip from Rob.

Rob never shipped the lip.

Someone else wen to robs house and got the lip shipped.

Joel is finally going to get his lip

Is that correct?
yes but more stuff in that story


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of course there more stuff to the story, like the part where the buyer is pissed off at not knowing what is going on.

briefly, that's what happened right?


a lot of forum and members got involved. Lets see if i got this straight, cause I'm curious to what exactly went wrong.

Joel paid and bought a lip from Rob.

Rob never shipped the lip.

Someone else wen to robs house and got the lip shipped.

Joel is finally going to get his lip

Is that correct?


mhmm actually i couldnt get on the internet at home cause my roomate abl 2 fly on h-t has the balls to take internet away from me and my roomate kai, so havent had internet for almost a month now ive had to goto the library when i could get a ride, my phone got cut off a couple weeks ago and got it turned back on like a week ago

theres more to the story that u need to know
Cut the crap! You know how many times you've been online since I bought this lip? how many posts you've made since I bought this lip? Don't play me! Don't water down the situation, admit you f'd up and you were only concerned about Robbie throughout your ordeal. Be a man not a coward! don't make excuses, make progress, corrections, improvements so it never happens again!
