This is what makes us thinkg you live at home and have no other bills. Do you pay rent? Do you pay for ALL of your own food? Do you buy all your own clothes? Pay for your own insurance? Thats what John's getting at. MOST kids that live at home dont have to pay rent, pay for their own food, etc. Thats what lets them have all this extra money for their car. He didnt say anything about you not working hard and being smart about spending. Im sure you work hard for your money. do the rest of us. If I was living at home and didnt have to pay for rent or anything else, I'd have a baller Civic too. Thats all. Nobodys hating. Relax man.
im f**king 18 if my parents made me pay for ALL of that id questions their parenting methods.
no s**t its easier when yur 18 but youve all been there.
done hate on me because at my age i put my money in better places than most people did when they were 18.
im sorry if everyone on heres parents blew and made them pay for food and rent lol.
its just a course of life everyone persues before moving on.
im sure in the future life will suck as much as you guy's but as of now im enjoying saving the money i make.
i mean i could live on campus but that would be financially unnecissary seeing as how my parents dont care if i live with them until i get my associates and move to a university.
to me it was a great decision to not live on campus or goto a 30G university just to get basic courses out of the way.
i guess im sorry for being 18 and putting my money in the right places.
i guess if i had a time machine id go to whatever age you guys are and convert my car back to stock so i can hate life also.
lol dont know what to tell ya'll i cant speed up time and im not moving out so i guees keep yur eyes peeled for more parts cuz no matter how old i am, what my financial status is, this build is gunna grow.
for now we can use age as a crutch but when its fully built by the time im 20 noone will hate.