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^^^Is now receiving facial Botox injections to relax his permanent grimmace


^^^Exposes his touching compassion for Scratch and his disfiguring face injury


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^^ doesnt know about the other girls in clubcivic. probably because they usually get run out of here within a week or two


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^^Stated girls get run off... But why haven't I been run off? Lol^^
^^ is somehow immune to the harassment dished out by the majority of clubcivic members. i give it another 2 weeks :lol:


^^ is somehow immune to the harassment dished out by the majority of clubcivic members. i give it another 2 weeks :lol:
^^^Surely recognizes that "she" receives this immunity by encouraging digital leg humping by male CC dogs


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^^^doesnt know that she never encouraged it from me, and that if need be, i can start leg humping too and i guarantee it'll take less than two weeks.....but why would i want her gone. she brings some attractiveness to an otherwise very ugly site....i mean just look at scratch. she's hot so she stays...thats my vote


I ♥ NYGraFFit :)
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^^ is somehow immune to the harassment dished out by the majority of clubcivic members. i give it another 2 weeks :lol:

Haha it doesn't bother me :P I'm not going anywhere!

^^^doesnt know that she never encouraged it from me, and that if need be, i can start leg humping too and i guarantee it'll take less than two weeks.....but why would i want her gone. she brings some attractiveness to an otherwise very ugly site....i mean just look at scratch. she's hot so she stays...thats my vote
^^Thinks I'm hot^^ Thanks btw!! Meant for auto

&&Why do yall want me banned??


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^^ no one wants you banned...its more so that girls often leave because they get tired of the BS from the leg humpers. and yes i think your hot....:what:
