getting pulled over

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I had a Civic once.
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Well, I can say I have been "profiled" for being in a lowered Honda. Over here in Rochester there used to be these huge gatherings every sunday night, where 200 cars or so would just show up. Hondas, VWs, muscle cars, stretched bikes.. you name it, it was there. It started getting out of hand as weeks progressed, people would start drinking, riding quads around while drinking, little kids running around... basically turned in to a s**t show. So I stopped going, because cops took notice, and have kicked people out before.

Well one week, when I wasn't even there... I was just driving by it (since it's close to my school)... cop gets on my ass and pulls me over. ALL he did, was "warn me" not to go hang out with the group in the parking lot, because they were "bad news", and that they were going to crack down on it. I told him I wasn't even there, and that I was just driving by, and he said he was "just informing me". Kind of BS to do it, because I really didn't do a single thing wrong.... not complaining since I didn't get a ticket, I just think his reasoning for doing it was bull.

And the other time I don't agree with, is when there were two cops on the side of the road with their lights on. I went around them... to see one cop pull out, turn his lights off... then get behind me and put them on again. I'm thinkiing WTF did I do? He comes up to me, and said something along the lines of him being an emergency vehicle with lights on, and that he was trying to pull out into traffic (but couldn't since I was driving by him)... with all those flashing lights I couldn't see his damn blinker....

Then after he "warned" me for that... he went and sat in a parking lot with the other cop for ~15 minutes or so. Which I know since I was delivering pizza at the time, I drove by there another 5-6 times or so....

The other 11 times I was pulled over were legit though ;)


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Okay okay so some of you guys are bitching because a cop pulled you over for breaking the law? Most of you complaining are teenagers, so I am willing to be that you didn't exactly talk respectfully to the cop. Respect the job. They deal with the scum of the earth EVERYDAY, risk their lives.....give them a little respect.

got traction

i rock the sohc
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Okay okay so some of you guys are bitching because a cop pulled you over for breaking the law? Most of you complaining are teenagers, so I am willing to be that you didn't exactly talk respectfully to the cop. Respect the job. They deal with the scum of the earth EVERYDAY, risk their lives.....give them a little respect.


Hell yea I suck toes!
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Play the game, prepare to get burnt.


D-Series Soldier
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That's good smart move saying you just bought the car lmao i
got a speeding ticket on january 1 2010 for 800$ good way to start the year
Damn $800, thats a s**t load...


honda fiend
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i understand about respecting a police officer and all but in boston you get harassed all the time. ok this is a true story one day almost a year ago i was at a gas station. as i started leaving it a d boy car(gang unit police) passed right in front of me and pulled over thinking i was gonna go right and end up in front of him. I went straight he u-turned and got behind me ran my plates i guess. I came to a stop sign at a intersection.there was mad cars so i took my time to pull out i will admit i sat there for atleast a minute. i finnaly pull out and start driving up the street. then they pulled me over he said " why you take so long to leave from the stop sign" like really. he told me get out started searching me and my car then asked for my reg. and lic. at the time i only had my permit but was going for my license the next day. and ended up having a warrant for a traffic violation so i give them that they cut me slack on that one and i was like 2 seconds from my then he asked me if i was in a gang i told them no they asked if i was ever arrested if i had guns drugs.etc i said no but was arrested when i was 15 for stolen vehicle wich got reduced to use w/o authority he said ''of course it did our court system sucks''. then they said go home dont let me catch you without a license. dont get me wrong im not on the f**k the police wagon but i feel alot of them take advantage or abuse their power.i've ran into a few that were nice and made jokes but i ran into alot that looked at me as a gang banging 45th on the waist hoodlum. im hispanic but look black and just so happen to live in the inner city where murder,drugs,violance is part of every day so everyone gets harassed. imo people who say ''ohh their doing they jobs your a teenager who was breaking the law'' like stated above never dealt with any of these things so take you own words into consideration and walk a mile in some of our shoes.i bet you white and live in the burbs or burb like area where cops are so called model citizens. and traction why b***h and be on the i love police wagon when you stated yourself you never been pulled over or never been harassed. how you gonna preach on something you never dealt with or might never deal with.


honda fiend
Registered VIP
they do abuse power tho imo i've seen it with my own eyes and or witnessed it. ok so its the law to be a douche bag and demand respect from a man or woman your profiling because of their appearance or skin tone. no i dont think so. like i stated before i understand that their job is not easy and they risk their lifes. but i where i come from you gotta give respect to get it but they try to demand it or feel like they deserve it.


That D series Guy
5+ Year Member
Pulled over for tinted rear windows.... in a 96 Blazer.... FAIL!

Pulled over for loud exhaust 91 crx with stock muffler piping and cat all new, with a slightly larger tip on it. Brought it to court. Took 3 months. Won. Had to cut muffler open to show proof, they did not replace it. PISSED!

Pulled over for stopping in walmart parking lot. Cop was behind me. Wanted to know why i stopped. He didn't see the stop sign . FAIL!


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they do abuse power tho imo i've seen it with my own eyes and or witnessed it. ok so its the law to be a douche bag and demand respect from a man or woman your profiling because of their appearance or skin tone. no i dont think so. like i stated before i understand that their job is not easy and they risk their lifes. but i where i come from you gotta give respect to get it but they try to demand it or feel like they deserve it.
They DO deserve respect right off the bat due to their profession. Just like military personnel, I don't know them but I respect the hell out of them for what they do. With occupations like these, I find it really hard to NOT respect someone just because of their personality. Even if they do it just for the paycheck, that doesn't mean they don't risk their lives. And quit pulling the race card dude. Yea I'm white. Yea I live somewhat in the "burbs" as you call it, but that is 10 minutes outside Trenton. There are plenty of cops in my area. Drive the speed limit, don't blast your music at 3 in the morning, don't tint your windows past the legal limit, and you will be FINE.

I got pulled over ONCE, for going 42 in a 25. I was dead wrong, and I knew it. s**t even if the cop WAS a d**k, I would understand. I inconvenienced him because he had to pull me over, and then deal with the paperwork after. But I treated him with respect right off the bat. I deserved a 10-17mph over the limit ticket, but he reduced it to a 1-9 over, likely because I had a clean record and wasn't a total douche to him. That was my only pullover/ticket, but I have had MANY other run-ins with the cops, due to several different reasons. Again, I treat them with respect each time, and it shows with how they treated me back. Learn some respect, stop thinking that everybody acts depending on your skin color, and you should do just fine in life.


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they do abuse power tho imo i've seen it with my own eyes and or witnessed it. ok so its the law to be a douche bag and demand respect from a man or woman your profiling because of their appearance or skin tone. no i dont think so. like i stated before i understand that their job is not easy and they risk their lifes. but i where i come from you gotta give respect to get it but they try to demand it or feel like they deserve it.
cops dont arrest people because of their skin color. I hear people all the time "man, i got arrested cuz im black" False you got arrested for the gun you had and meth you were carrying, lol idiots. I respect cops every single time i get pulled over even if its a bullshit reason. I've been pulled over like 6 times and only got 1 ticket. Every time it was my fault, i understand cops can be dicks alot of the time. like a week ago i got pulled over for exhaust in my gti, its a f**kin straight pipe and loud as hell. it was 3 in the morning and when i drove past the cop i sneezed him (build up boost and let off for the pssh in the window lol) he proceeded to pull me over, well i didnt think he would but he did. He was real cool and probably just thought i was drunk or something and i gave him a reason. Never had a record or anything and i just bought the car so he didnt even give me a warning or ticket. He said though i should probably get that taken care of or ill most likely be hassled about it.

vjf: we probably just have this view because we're both going to school for criminal justice lol.


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I got pulled over for stupid reasons, the real reason behind it, was because of stereotyping or speeding. Cops know the law better, and they know whats legal and whats not. they pulled me over and pick something that think it is illegal, some are and some are not: ,they have said the following, illegal tailights (no ticket), illgeal tint (fixing ticket), fog lights on, are illegal (no ticket), one of my tags did not match in his computer (no ticket), Pulled over for NO reason other than i had a beanie and looked over at the crime scene (No ticket, even though i had bottles of beers in the back under a blanket), speeding (so far 2 tickets (not racing)), about to race (no ticket), swerving at 3AM in the morning being half asleep (no ticket), illegal header (fixing ticket) and the list goes that i remember all of these i need to stop breaking the law.... or MOVE out of Ontario, CA. god damn they hate racers here, so if you look like one, you are getting pulled over.


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I got pulled over for stupid reasons, the real reason behind it, was because of stereotyping or speeding. Cops know the law better, and they know whats legal and whats not. they pulled me over and pick something that think it is illegal, some are and some are not: ,they have said the following, illegal tailights (no ticket), illgeal tint (fixing ticket), fog lights on, are illegal (no ticket), one of my tags did not match in his computer (no ticket), Pulled over for NO reason other than i had a beanie and looked over at the crime scene (No ticket, even though i had bottles of beers in the back under a blanket), speeding (so far 2 tickets), about to race (no ticket), swerving at 3AM in the morning being half asleep (no ticket), illegal header (fixing ticket) and the list goes that i remember all of these i need to stop breaking the law.... or MOVE out of Ontario, CA. god damn they hate racers here.
i wouldnt consider a d16y8 97 civic a "racer", i have never really raced on the street. Its just irresponsible and could get alot of people killed that have nothing to do with it. i have done doughnuts in empty parking lots and e-braked it in the snow down this windy back road nobody is ever on, but thats it.


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i wouldnt consider a d16y8 97 civic a "racer", i have never really raced on the street. Its just irresponsible and could get alot of people killed that have nothing to do with it. i have done doughnuts in empty parking lots and e-braked it in the snow down this windy back road nobody is ever on, but thats it.

haha, im not even racer, the car is all show no go. Ontario Police hate cars that look they are fast. We get hassled because of the racers reputations here. I tried to race once, when my car was stock and my buddies car was stock. We never left the start line, that is why there was no ticket. no race, no ticket.


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one time i was blasting my music at a stop light and a cop leans in my window and turns my radio off but i couldn't really complain because i wasn't given a ticket . but the stupidest time i was getting off the highway and waiting at the stop sign was a state cop sitting on the hood of his cruiser with his arms crossed looking all pisst. then he points to the empty parking lot he doesn'tsay a word the wholetime he just writes me a ticketfor a seatbelt violation then proceeds back to the hood of his car to bag more people. i swear it was like a drive threw.


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haha, im not even racer, the car is all show no go. Ontario Police hate cars that look they are fast. We get hassled because of the racers reputations here. I tried to race once, when my car was stock and my buddies car was stock. We never left the start line, that is why there was no ticket. no race, no ticket.
i get hassled too, that's what happens when you have a loud/modified car. I'm glad cops profile, i don't much care if i get pulled over because of what my car looks and sounds like. I also am happy they profile black people and minorities because it does take alot of criminals off the street. Not saying all black people and minorities are criminals, but alot have made a bad name for themselves. If you are a minority and are doing nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about. Same at airports, normal people get harassed but Muslims and people who look of middle eastern decent don't get anything. There's a certain point when our civil liberties and rights go away that i think racial profiling is ok. Its to keep us safe and people need to stop bitching.
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