Road bullying???


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I am curious to see if any of you other guys have the same issue I am having. I have a 2000 Civic EX cpe that is totally stock other than aftermarket wheels. I have had it for two years now and it seems like there is alot of hatred for people who drive cars like ours. I have people deliberately pull out in front of me, tailgate me, cut me off, try to race me and just drive complete asses around me. I am 40 years old and try to drive as courteous and sensible as possible. I also have my 9 year old son with me alot of the time and it really pisses me off when people do this stupid s**t when he is in the car. Yeah I know Ohio has some of the worst drivers but I dont notice this being such an issue when I am in my F150. So I am curious if any you others in the Civic crowd have this issue?


Hmmm...I drive the same car totally stock and have not experienced the same problem. Everyone just ignores me -- and no I don't take it personally. Maybe my kids' local soccer club window sticker make me look like a soccer mom. You might want to try this.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
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I have experienced this from time to time. It's just dumb teens that think they have a civic so they are spook fast and want to prove it to the world by driving like a jerk.


Too Much Traction
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Yeah, other Hondas, Camaros, and Mustangs usually mess with me. Theres this guy about 30 years old in a late 60s Mustang that always messes with me after work.


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I usually get followed by jettas lol.


EM1 Crew
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i get this a lot but i just ignore them. they would try to catch up and tailgate me and pull up next to me and then start showing off acting like they have the fastest car.


Your Mom's Moderator
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Try daily riding a sportbike. Did that for 3 full spring/summers a couple years ago and it was insane the amount that you get messed with. It is also pretty unnerving how much people don't see you or don't care.

Now the bike sits and I only ride it out in the hills or away from traffic as much as possible.

I am with RonJ. I never get messed with in the civic and I drive south tacoma way daily. Those that are from around here know that is fairly busy road and is full of ricers. Mine must not stand out enough and that is fine with me.


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I get messed around with by stupid people from school I know and hate my car. Well.. used to be car.


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Okay I guess its not just me then. Maybe I notice it alot more also because I just have a low tolerance for peoples stupidity. I wouldnt think my car would stand out that much other than it is in almost pristine condition, the wheels and I always keep my vehicles clean and looking nice. Sometimes I think I would like to do some mods to it but that would probably just attract more jerks. I also sometimes think of selling it and getting something more familyish but at these gas prices I hate to give up the 35 MPG! LOL!

Thanks for the input guys!


Has no filter
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I get it alot, but mostly by lifted trucks or Vdubbs.


Stickin' it to the man
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leave it stock on the outside... put a turbo on it.. and blast the s**t out of the ricers who want to race... they will eventually stop racing because they cant win


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Sleeper status. I wanna do that with the hatch.


New Member
Same Issue

I live in a town full of rednecks and hot rods lol Im kinda a minor and I have that same issue I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old and it bothers me but like people say I just ignore them I leave the showing off and racing when I head out to Tulsa Raceway


Too Much Traction
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TODAY, I was on the freeway going 65mph; A 06+ Base Model Mustang catches up to me and paces me for a while then guns it, bastard.


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I get it from tegs and preludes constantly. once and a while a pick up truck or a kid in a mustang


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TODAY, I was on the freeway going 65mph; A 06+ Base Model Mustang catches up to me and paces me for a while then guns it, bastard.
I think that's just typical for Mustangs in general....


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Yeah, but I have never had a mustang gun it next to me.


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im gonna start racing kids in my tahoe, make them feel bad. all you gonna see is UAV tails beotchs lol
