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I never queue for dungeons as dps unless I have a healer or tank in my party lol. I just don't have the patience.

I've been farming all day today... Herbing and mining, prospecting, transmuting gems, etc. Don't know why I'm just saving it all lol. I'll control the market some day when theres nothing of an item on it muahahah.


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Still... camping Aeonaxx...


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I've been having Aeonaxx dreams over the past 2 weeks, including last night. Dreamt I lost it to a horde, again. I hope I get this damn mount soon, as I think it's slowly making me insane. lol


Failboat sails at 9
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I've been having Aeonaxx dreams over the past 2 weeks, including last night. Dreamt I lost it to a horde, again. I hope I get this damn mount soon, as I think it's slowly making me insane. lol
I'm going to server change just to camp that guy as a hordie. =)


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:rolf: :rolf:

I can't imagine camping rares...seriously.... But I saw and killed 5 over the weekend in my herbing routes. Julak-Doom in twilight highlands, Akma'hat in uldum, the little pirate guy in Vashj'ir that drops the bop helm that turns you into a pirate and makes your mount transparent (which by the way I've killed 3 times now lol), Jadefang in Deepholm, and 1 more in uldum...I forget the name but he had like 90k life.

Then over the course of about 10-12 hours combined, I farmed roughly: 3 stacks of volatile life, 35 stacks of twilight jasmine, 10 stacks of cinderbloom, 8 stacks of whiptail, 18 stacks of ashzara's veil, 5 stacks of heartblossom, and 4 stacks of stormvine. I love farming. I just watch movies while I herb and time flies.


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:rolf: :rolf:

I can't imagine camping rares...seriously.... But I saw and killed 5 over the weekend in my herbing routes. Julak-Doom in twilight highlands, Akma'hat in uldum, the little pirate guy in Vashj'ir that drops the bop helm that turns you into a pirate and makes your mount transparent (which by the way I've killed 3 times now lol), Jadefang in Deepholm, and 1 more in uldum...I forget the name but he had like 90k life.

Then over the course of about 10-12 hours combined, I farmed roughly: 3 stacks of volatile life, 35 stacks of twilight jasmine, 10 stacks of cinderbloom, 8 stacks of whiptail, 18 stacks of ashzara's veil, 5 stacks of heartblossom, and 4 stacks of stormvine. I love farming. I just watch movies while I herb and time flies.
You can't imagine camping rares, and I can't imagine farming. :lol: I've tried it, but it gets boring fast for me. Especially when I make bank from enchanting with no real effort. Camping is easy though... it's not like you actually have to sit there and stare at the screen the whole time. npcscan makes it easy. I can surf the web or do anything else aside from actually play WoW while I camp... just making sure to move my character every now and then so I don't get kicked for inactivity.


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You can't imagine camping rares, and I can't imagine farming. :lol: I've tried it, but it gets boring fast for me. Especially when I make bank from enchanting with no real effort. Camping is easy though... it's not like you actually have to sit there and stare at the screen the whole time. npcscan makes it easy. I can surf the web or do anything else aside from actually play WoW while I camp... just making sure to move my character every now and then so I don't get kicked for inactivity.
:lol:, I can't stand just sitting there.

Here's what I've been up to in the past 3 days. Slowly starting to collect. This doesn't include the 2 stacks of volatile life, ~30 stacks of twilight jasmine, and ~25 stacks of ashzara's veil I've already sold. I can't stop farming. I love it! I'm mainly farming twilight jasmine and ashzara's veil atm for the person I'm supplying for. I'll start getting more of the others once I'm done. I usually change it up to a different herb once I start getting bored and want different scenery lol.



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how much gold do you have?


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29k right now :(. I was at almost 60k when I quit but donated 25k to my guild and gave away 5k. I've bought multiple stacks of mysterious fortune cards as well :lol:. Those things are highly addictive...


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John.... don't ever go to a casino... or try hard drugs.. :lol:


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John.... don't ever go to a casino... or try hard drugs.. :lol:
Dude... It's bad. When I start, I can't stop. I wasted $200 at a casino in Vegas when I went with my family last year. It was almost all the money I brought LOL. I couldn't stop. I can not go. I just can't stop when I go and start playing.

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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If I join someones server, will you help me power level :3


Failboat sails at 9
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I might. You'll have to play during the day on days when I work though because I'm on the swing from 2-10p


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Dude... It's bad. When I start, I can't stop. I wasted $200 at a casino in Vegas when I went with my family last year. It was almost all the money I brought LOL. I couldn't stop. I can not go. I just can't stop when I go and start playing.
lol, I had a feeling. You seem to have a very addictive personality :lol:


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Just attempted to down nefarian... but our group sucked.


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Sold all my twilight jasmine, ashzara's veil, cinderbloom, heartblossom, and whiptail last night :(. Farmed more of the last 3 as well and sold them. My GM is getting a KILLER deal on all these herbs lol. But I would much rather provide for someone than play the market over days or even weeks and fight people on prices... My GM spent 2300g on a stack of volatile life......are you f***ing kidding me? That's a ridiculous price. I sold her like 25 stacks of twilight jasmine AND ashzara's veil AND a stack of volatile life for 1500g lol.
