Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread


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I can play until level 20 for free. I'm at lvl 4 right now. I think I picked a troll hunter because I wasn't sure what to be...might switch though.

Downloading the 10.1 gb game file took a good 2 hours lol
Hunter's are stupid easy. They're nicknamed "huntards". I'm sure you have an imagination and can guess why.

If you like casting spells or long range attacks, go mage, warlock, priest, shaman, druid or keep your hunter. If you like hand to hand combat and instant spells, go pally, warrior, rogue, and death knight (You have to have a level 55 on the server you're playing on in order to make one of these. Unless they got rid of that rule).

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Everyone says Hunter's are easy. Easier than other, but there's a certain touch to them to actually be good, and be a great asset to a group. Most groups can still function with a bad hunter, but when a group get's a good hunter, they start to rely too much on that hunter, and once gone, they can fail, quick.

You have to know what pet to use that's going to benefit your group the greatest, and not just some creature you saw and thought 'He'd be cool!', but actually knowing what move's that creature will have. What pet to use that will benefit the tank, or benefit the other members if the tank can't happen to hold aggro, you can use the pet to hold that aggro. If you learn how to control aggro, and have enough space between you and your pet, you can actually control mobs to just rub/walk back and forth and not get a single hit on either of you.

What rotation to use, instead of just spamming Arcane Shot and Aimed Shot.

Hunter is a class, where you have to learn to work by yourself, at least in my realm, all the way up to 55 or 60 (Forgot which level I joined my guild), I was doing it by myself, with the help of my pet. We're a great class to do off on your own, but in melee range, we suck.

I picked Hunter because that's what I had when I played Vanilla WoW, I've always liked the ranged attack, and was always good at it, I go to Warrior or Shaman, and I hate it.

Just remember, pick a class that you enjoy, and not what is going to do the most damage. You're going to be playing that toon A LOT.


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I also think hunters are really easy to play, but I haven't ever had a serious hunter at 85. I got my hunter to like level 66 and was too bored to go on. Hunter pets make life easy though. There is hardly any down time while leveling a hunter. Damage output is very high while leveling, and your pet can effectively tank for you while increasing that damage output. Some people love hunters, some hate them... to each their own.

So far, my two favorites are mage and priest. Mage is a bit of a pain in the ass to level. Soloing much of anything and winning deserves a pat on the back. There's a lot of downtime due to slow mana regen (this fixes itself by the time you get high in level). It's easy to feel inadequate in PvP as you continuously get 1 shotted or otherwise utterly wrecked by most classes **coughcoughrogue/warlockcoughcough**. However, at 85, mages put out sick damage, never run out of mana, and are arguably one of the best PvP classes in the game in the hands of a skilled player. Not to mention, they have a lot of fun abilities.

Priest is just fun in general, and never feels gimped. I prefer disc. I wrecked face in PvP throughout the leveling process and dungeon healing was insanely easy. Downtime in questing wasn't too bad as mana regen is pretty solid. At 85, everything is still just as awesome. Disc priests are exceptional dungeon/raid tank healers and can still output enough damage in questing to be efficient. Not to mention, the responsibility of being accountable for whether or not your team / party succeeds or fails is a rush. If you heal badly, the impact will be evident. If you heal well, the impact will be evident. As a dps, you don't always get that feedback (with the exception of arena). In battlegrounds, it's hard to see if what you're doing is really making a difference in the large scale. In raids/dungeons, you can slack off and there will be hardly any impact.

Anyway, my overall point is - for a new player... If you get bored with the game, try a new class. I've played most of the classes, and have only successfully gotten two of them to 85 (and a third to 80 - Druid). The class you play will dramatically change your experience, especially when you switch the role you fulfill (ranged dps vs melee dps vs stealth class vs healer vs tank). My next endeavor will be to level a Blood DK Tank.

And yea... I'm STILL camping Aeonaxx. Had a dream last night that I downed him and got my damn mount. Now if only I could do it in real life...


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What do you guys mean by tanking?

Next time I log in I'm going to make a Mage.


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Once you get a little higher in level, you'll be able to do dungeons. Dungeons are basically like an ordinary video game level. There's a start and you get transported to the dungeon. You kill a bunch of little minions. You kill a few bosses. Then there's an end and you get transported back to the normal WoW world. In these dungeons, a group (called a party) of five people is organized. Each person fills a role.

1 Person will be the tank
1 Person will be the healer
3 People will be the dps

The tank is responsible for taunting all of the enemies and making them hit him, and him only. The tank ordinarily has a lot of health and strong defensive capabilities, making him a preferable damage taker in your party. At a very basic level, If he's doing his job correctly, damage to other party members will be minimal, and the enemies will almost always be hitting him only (there are exceptions).

The healer is responsible for healing the party. HIs heals will primarily be going to the tank who is taking most of the damage, but he will also be required to heal other party members. At a very basic level, If the healer is doing his job correctly, nobody will die (although there are many exceptions to this).

DPS stands for Damage per second, which is really a misnomer for the role... but it's quicker than spelling out damage dealer. These guys are here for one reason and one reason only - to make stuff dead. At a very basic level, the dps are doing their job correctly if they're doing as much damage as they possibly can to the appropriate targets.

Dungeons are more complex than the above description... and each role needs to do more than is described.. but this gives you a basic overview.

Then you have raids, which are like dungeons, except they can hold groups as large as 40 people, have multiple tanks / healers, and tons of dps.... but we won't get into that now.


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Most of the information is so overwhelming right now. I'm just learning the game. But even now it's addicting. I have no idea how you guys have time to work on your cars. Lol


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^^lol, it only gets worse. The game doesn't truly begin until you hit level 85... especially if you enjoy hunting for rares, doing dungeons/raids, doing battlegrounds, and doing arenas.... The time sink is insane.


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Believe me man, I worked in a chemical dependency center and I tell you what, based on my presenting criteria, I would say at one point in time my WoW addiction paralleled a heroin addiction.

These days, it's like weed... I love it, I would do it all the time if I could, but pretty much life comes first now.


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Believe me man, I worked in a chemical dependency center and I tell you what, based on my presenting criteria, I would say at one point in time my WoW addiction paralleled a heroin addiction.

These days, it's like weed... I love it, I would do it all the time if I could, but pretty much life comes first now.
I was addicted to WoW like that. I skipped class for it. I wanted to skip work for it so many times, I don't remember doing it though.

I was addicted to Diablo 2 even worse. I went months without going to class, I wouldn't get up from my chair unless I had to piss, s**t, or eat, I played 14+ hours a day, a lot of times I would go almost 36 hours straight play time... It was really bad.


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^ wow that's brutal.

The worst I ever had it was Pokèmon silver on Gameboy. Nonstop, but not that bad because the screen wasn't backlit and my worm light died. So I could only play during the day, and after school.

I deleted my hunter and made a Tauren Preist today. I like it much better then the hunter so far. I'll play some after work today. My friend is also downloading it at my house and will start playing soon.


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Are you gonna be a healer or dps?


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Most likely dps, it sounds more like my playing style as of right now. So do I just level up through fighting then to be better at dps?


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Level up through questing, dungeons, and battlegrounds (your choice).


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Healing an FL trash run right now. Sort of boring lol.


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They go hand in hand. They are excellent choices. Herbalism can make you money but so can Alchemy. A lot of people look for Alchemists. Once you hit 450 (if you decide to buy WoW), you get to pick a specialty (elixir, potion, or transmutation) which allows you to make more than 1 item per craft when you craft it.


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Yea, those aren't bad at all.

I healed bastion of twilight for the first time last night...We tried it on heroic at first, and got wrecked. Then we breezed through it on regular. It's a shame they don't have an intermediate mode. Regular was way too easy, heroic was currently beyond our reach.


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Holy s***... DK is an OP and insanely easy class to play... With a 331 ilvl and 3-5 greens, I was pumping out 13k DPS in random heroics (not za/zg). I was at 341 last night and I was pumping out 15-16k DPS, still wearing 3 greens. I just bought my T11 chest last night from the JP vendor to replace a green 312 chest so we'll see how much DPS I can crank out tonight.

I have 4 spells to spam :lol:. AoE is insane too and all I spam is howling blast. Last night during random heroics, even on single target, I was out DPS'ing people with full 353+ purple gear /w some 378's.


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Damn, nice... Unholy I'm guessing?

Whenever I get Aeonaxx, I'll be making a Blood DK Tank. I've already got all the heirlooms for him.


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-1 for server maintenance

+1 for Brewfest starting today - my favorite WoW Holiday!
