Find an ICS rom.Ended up working 12-10 today just got home eating dinner and browsing here and on xda. Trying to figure out which rom to download and flash.
Sent From My Evo 4G Amped Up On Verizon Tower Power!
Find an ICS rom.Ended up working 12-10 today just got home eating dinner and browsing here and on xda. Trying to figure out which rom to download and flash.
Sent From My Evo 4G Amped Up On Verizon Tower Power!
I've already been running CM9 for the past two days haha.Find an ICS rom.
Where do u work?I hate break in period on new work boots. FML! Glad i get reimbursed for boots though!
I didn't think anyone played mw3 anymore lolchanged spark plugs, cap and rotor and ending the day playing some mw3
if shes engaged, you have a better chance than if shes married!Took my mom out to run errands, chilled for a few hours, worked 5-10:45 (supposed to be 10:30 but I'm still getting used to closing so I'm still a little slow), came home and had a snack, about to shower and sleep, and then I gotta work 7-3:30 tomorrow . At least I get to work with a very good looking girl ....even though she's engaged lol.
Nice! They whooped the Tigers last nightwork 9-1 then Indians game at 7 with my buds.
lol this post made me feel like i was reading a 19th century british novel. what math class?Studying up for my math final that I have in a few hours. How I detest math! On the bright side, one more final after this one then I'll be on break.
I'm looking at DAs. Someone smack me. Please.