yeah it went good the first time we went right after she was born and we thought she might have one they did ekg,ultrasound,blood pressure,weight and lenght. Today they did weight,lenght,blood pressure, and one other test im not sure the name of the doctor who specialzes in being a cardiolist for babies said there was no need for a ultrasound or ekg this time. He is a very nice docotor he explained what a heart murmor was and how it differed from somebody who didnt have one. he even drew me a picture to explain the blood flow differences. He said though she has too one is very common for babies to have the other is not as common, but he said the first visit that there are so small they shouldn't cause any problems. Her checkup today he said that if she hasnt had any problems in the first 6 weeks of life which she hasnt then there is basically a 99 percent chance she will never have a problem with it and they should close on their own no surgery or anything needed. He wants to check her again in 6 months even though shes out of whats considered the danger age he would rather check just to be certain they have closed. Like i said this man is a very good doctor im glad he is who we go to for this. One of his nurses on the other hand neither me or my daughter like her at all.
Sorry for the novel guys just really care about my baby and i know the spelling is s**t im on 3 and half hours sleep. Got to wake up early again tommorw so prolly wont get no more than 5 hours sleep at most tonight.