New Member
I have a 95 civic sedan bone stock Vtec SOCH...im not mechanically inclined like most of you guys on here but im hearing a rattling noise coming from inside my tranny. It sounds like metal being tossed around in there. I hear it no matter what i do, clutch is engaged i still hear it, revving the car i still hear it. It drives perfectly fine though and no gears are grinding or popping out. Shifts really smooth but the rattling noise came as soon i got on it for the first time. Maybe i chipped a tooth or two and its just bouncing around in the tranny? I didnt hear this the day before until after i got on it...im hoping i didnt mess anything up because i just bought the car off an old couple for a really good deal, 1200 bucks. I test drove and everything and this rattling noise was no where to be found until a couple days later after i decided to open up on the car for once. Please help me figure out what it possibly is, ive searched the threads and it might be a throw out bearing?, but i dont exactly know how it would sound if it was that. thanks guys