just got a used '05 civic ex. 160k on the car. want to start from ground zero on improving performance. need pointers. what should i buy to get my car running faster?
jeez 160k on an 05. i would check the overall maintenance first. did the old owner give you maintenance history or anything? but to improve performance I would tune the suspension, maybe change the brakes, and from there your horsepower options are up to you. you should really do some research before you get all fast and the furious with your civic though.
damn my 93 has 173,xxx, thats a s**t load for an 05, anyway x2 on above, defiantly do some research on what you can do and how much you want to spend, start with a budget and what hp gain you want to reach, personally i start with a budget for suspension, then for the motor and figure out what parts would be best to fit that budget and start to plan what i want to do.