09 ebrake release button chewed by dog - help to replace


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10 lb dog chewed the fawk outta the release button on my ebrake :( I have filed the sharp edges down, but still looks crappy. I have searched for blowout of the diagram to disassemble the handle cover - can't find one. I really do not want to haul the console out to replace the whole handbrake unit and mess with the cables, but that darn chewed up button really rots me. I can get the button from Honda for $38 or buy a full ebrake unit from a parts dealer here for $60 (only if necessary) Any advice? I wouldn't mind changing it to chrome while I'm at it, if such a thing exists. BTW, I did NOT kill my dog, he's still here and very happy. It was my fault for having him loose - now he rides in a cage. (Chew on that Maxxi :lol:)


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You'll probably have to change the whole handle but it's not hard to take the console out to do it.
