14b rebuild kit?


only blown the intake air
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i got a 14b a lil while back, but i'm not sure if it's gonna need a rebuild or not (its got a lil shaft play, not too bad though, blades aren't touching the housing or anything, and a couple lil cracks in the exhaust housing but not around the wastegate flapper or anything. definitely nothing big enough to cause boost leak. where can i get a relatively cheap rebuild kit, new seals and all.

also, how do i go about disassembling the turbo? i need to disconnect the compressor housing from the exhaust housing, but i'm afraid i'll do it wrong and f**k up my turbo. do i disconnect the bolts at the end of the turbine shaft, by the blades? or do i just have to unbolt the little belt-lookin thing in between them?


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Most of the time isnt worth the money. You can usually buy a new one for tge same amount of money or less.

I dont recommend disassymbling your turbo if you dont have the explosion chart for the turbo. Especially if you dont have experience with them either.

But if your gonna do it. You need to contact the manufacturer and get a Technical manual on that Turbo.


only blown the intake air
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explosion chart? u mean the compressor map? because i have one.


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wdwalker said:
explosion chart? u mean the compressor map? because i have one.
No, an explosion chart or diagram shows how the assymbly is put together.

This is an example of a B16A2 Bottom End Explosion Diagram.

