1992 hatchback sunroof. installation


New Member
Hi. I have a 92 hatch I've been working and I'm about to do the sunroof. I went to the junk yard and found the complete assembly from a 1996 civic coupe with drain hoses, harness, plugs etc.. I will post pics as a go. I cut the brackets from the 1996 coupe and I'm going to weld it in to my hatch. Is the easy way and for the drain holes easy a long hose and lift the car to drill a hole under from inside so u can feed the hose. (Absolutely no clue at all what you're trying to say here....) Sounds a little hard but as soon as I take the pics I will post them ..
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New Member
I know it sounds crazy but I've seen it done before. It has to work. I've been doing body work for a long time so I think I know what I'm going to do. Anyways, the purpose of this is to try to help people.

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RHD is where its at
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I know its been done before and fabrication does not scare me.
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Jeez, people can never be happy. I have a sunroof, and want it gone. You don't have one and want one. haha

Welcome to the forum.


New Member
I think a lot people get scared easy. I'm not going to fabricate anything. It's all in your head. Just cut the hole and put the new one in and the drain. I will show with the pics because no one is helping. Thanks for nothing.
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Mr. Search
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One thing you need to realize, 96-00 Civic OEM sunroofs slide down and inside the car.
92-95's did not do that, they popped up, out and back over the outside of the roof. Not sure if the roof line of the 5th gen can accommodate the 6th gen sunroof.


New Member
I know, it's my phone. I type something and end up with something different. It's okay, this is going to be a mtf this sunroof. It will slide up and back and come back the same way. My friend has a 1993 coupe with the same set up and looks easy. Well my eg is a 92 but i just met a guy with a 93 ek and it looks the same as mine. He installed the same sunroof from a 96 coupe. It's been 2 years with out leaks so it works perfectly.
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Cleaned the thread up a little and edited all of the OP's post for reading convenience.

While I don't condone all the negative flaming posts that I've deleted, choco12709, you have to understand it is very difficult to help someone that doesn't know how to properly use the English language. Your sentence structure isn't good, making it very hard to understand what you're trying to say. Even if you're sending these posts from your phone, take the extra few minutes to make sure you're typing things properly. You don't have to sound like a scholar but adding some commas, periods, and spelling words properly makes a HUGE difference.
