New Member
I have a 2000 civic si 5-speed coupe, the previous owner had swaped out the blown y8 for a scrapyard y7. They also swapped the ecu out to a P2E, but used the original y8 intake manifold. The IACV seems to be completely closed and the engine will only run if the cruise control vacuum line is removed. It wil then run at 500 rpm til it warms up, then it idles at 700. On the road, you're either accelerating or decelerating and switching from one to the other results in a clunk unless you're in 5th gear, and when the engine goes below 1800 rpm while decelerating it starts lurching until you depress the clutch. I cleaned the IACV but it didn't help. Is there a relatively easy fix for this? Do I need a P2P ecu? I thought I was getting a deal, turns out all I got was a headache..