6th Generation mirrors on 5th Generation EG


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5+ Year Member
i need some help dunno if any one has done but pretty sure they have. Would 6th Generation mirrors on 5th Generation EG fit.????


long gearing owns me.
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10+ Year Member
I got a free pair of ebay mirrors from a friend, they came off of his '98 hatchback, they fit mine good but you're going to have to drill some extra holes and be precise when you drill them for proper fitment, here's mine:

You can see I used the original hole on the bottom right and had to drill a new one for the top bolt. Coincidentally, that bottom left bolt sat even right on the corner of that slot for the inside mirror cover, in order to use the mirror cover you just need to take a dremel and cut off the notch on the mirror cover that fits in there normally, and it will still fit in right.

I plan to sand mine and paint them, I don't like that stupid light or the fake CF, but I like the style.


New Member
5+ Year Member
cool, I have manual mirrors. So do yall know if the lever of the ek mirror will fit through the eg hole???


IM a Carbon Fiber whore
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5+ Year Member
I had them on my 95. I dont have the car anymore but if you PM JayJay he can send you pics.
this is the only pick I have left of my car..


New Member
5+ Year Member
thanks for the info
i found a complete 97 civic at a junk yard so i'm making sure some of the parts fit
