90 civic hb 5 speed tranny issues


New Member
Bought it from a guy who supposibly drove through a puddle and he hit something tranny grabbe for a few more minutes then stopped. Case is cracked leaked fluid really bad... Also will still go through the pattern without pushing clutch in or the car being on. Looking for some suggestions never have played with a front wheel drive car and heard tranny is a pain. Thanks in advance for the help. -Nate-


The transmission is cracked, right? So why aren't you shopping for a replacement transmission?


New Member
I am, just I never have removed a front wheel drive transmission. Read you can do it from the top or bottom. Need help with the removal and can go from there. Thanks


Download the EF service manual at site 1 in my signature.


New Member
Thanks RonJ appreciate it, just little gun shy doing this project because I haven't heard one person yet say it was mediocre or easy lol, all have said its a pain in the butt.


Just a lot of steps. If you have tools, are patient and can keep organized, and can follow the service manual instructions, you should be fine.

I recommend that you start by reading the service manual steps carefully. Then post any specific questions you have prior to embarking on the project.

You need to raise front end on stands and then place a jack under the oil pan to support the weight of the engine/transmission. You'll need a separate jack (or better yet a transmission jack) to lower the old transmission for removal and raise the new transmission for installation.


New Member
I already have the car on jack stands all around took the tires off , was kinda going through the car. Removed seats degreased engine bay etc. guy did a mini me swap on it, seems a little sketchy has red sealant all around the head looks like its dirty looking, I got the car to auto cross , so I planned on a project . Car starts and runs just the tranny, so hopefully get that done and get it track ready. Thanks again appreciate the help been on 4 forums including this one an this is the only one where some one had any advice. So thanks again.
