92 civic hb


New Member
hey guys when i was 16 i customized my honda civic from nothing i will post pics of the build but i have a bad motor and serching for one that is a good price there is soooo much more to be done to my baby but i need to get in moving any ideas shout em out and if there are any additional ad ons with the car i am open to anything i am never selling it. thanks tyler


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Registered OG
5+ Year Member
since u only have one post maybe u should post some pics and we'll start from there


Registered VIP
Registered OG
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
since u only have one post maybe u should post some pics and we'll start from there
that right there is some good advice..;)

don't say you will NEVER sell it.. i used to say that about my car..
"I will never sell this thing i have WAY too much money invested in it" yeah.. well i guess never has come and gone since its an empty shell sitting on jack stands.. lol
