92 cx issues


New Member
Hi my name is dwayne, I have another posting on this site that i posted earlier.
The issue that im having is ...
The car simply wont start....... I've tried jumping it (nothing) Ive also crossed the solinoid and it will spin but the starter wont engage the engine and attempt to make it crank.
The dash lights all come on like they should when you start a car but the rest of the car is dead in the water.
Any idea?

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Did you hear any grinding or anything? Can you hear the starter spinning?


New Member
no , nothing at all when i turn the key just the lights are stayin on.
the starter will spin if i cross the solinoid to manually do it buy that is all it will do is spin.
it doesnt kick out to mesh with the flywheel to engage the engine.
