92 cx rear suspension rebuild

union made

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Hi, Rebuilding my first Honda, '92 CX. The self locking bolt attaching the compensator arm to the body is stuck. Has anyone successfully removed this bolt from an old Civic before. Please help me before I start getting creative. The bolt that goes through the bottom mount on the shock also broke. I have pretty well taken care of the front end, motor transaxel, half shafts, shocks, brakes, wheel bearings. I can't quit now. I need to replace the trailing arm bushings. I fear some trouble there too. But if I can get this one bolt out I can at least pull the whole unit out where I can replace everything. Thanks, Mike


captin sleep0
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these years hondas are notorious for this issue, so rest assure that you are not alone! how is it broken? have you fully removed the threads from the nut or is it still stuck in the nut? often times people hack saw the bolt off, and then buy new bolts that are less rusty. the bushing may be shot too, and in which case you may want to get new bushings oe or after market. can you provide pics of your issue that often helps us understand your unique problems. use an uploader such as imageshack.com or photobucket.com, i like photobucket myself, but they both work. cheers and if you need more help dont be afraid to ask!

union made

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Well, here's my plan. The bolt is still intact. I'm going to hack saw it; trying to leave enough to get a hold of with vice grips, after the compensating arm is out. Worse comes to worse, I'll try to drill out the remaining bolt. If that fails to work, I'll fabricate a new mount from angle iron and mig weld it to the body. Thanks for the reply. It's good to know that you're not alone. Here goes.


Reinvent Your Shell!
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I have the same issue. I've had a cracked trailing arm since I owned my white hatch. The only easiest way is to hack through it and tap stripped bolts out. Best advice for the future is use anti-seize grease/lube and inspect it more often every winter reapplying more. While you're under there you can go ahead and undercoat the piss out of it too.

Good luck!

union made

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I decided to drop the gas tank last night. I'll start hack sawing this evening. Thanks. I am an avid anti-sieze user, and I did see a couple areas in need of undercoating. More later.


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As far as I'm concerned, the easiest and really only good way of removing the trailing arm bushings is using the Honda/Acura Traiking Arm Bushing Extractor tool. I bought one years ago to do this job in my car. I've used it on my car and have loaned I out to a handful of people(even renting it for money). Every single time I get it back, they all say "I don't know how I could have done it without this tool". Makes doing this job much easier. You can remove the bushing with the trailing arm still on the car.

There's a good DIY on Honda-Tech for doing this job and the tool itself cost about $140. Could either sell it after you use it or rent it out and have it pay for itself and the some.


captin sleep0
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honda makes a specialty tool for this job? how does the tool help with a seized up bolt?


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I'm not talking about the seized bolt, kinda on your own there. The tool is for removing and installing the trailing arm bushings.

union made

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5+ Year Member
All of the rubber bushings should be replaced, from my uneducated opinion of their deterioration. I have seen the tool, and I will rent one or take my trailing arms to a dealership. Thanks for taking the time to leave a tip. I have started to cut the stuck bolt with a reciprocating saw. I have to jack the car up more to get the saw at a useful angle to finish. So far it looks good, but I have to go to work for a couple of days. Wish I had a camera to show the progress, but right now it looks hopeful. If the threaded portion comes out, it will be much more frightening to propose than to do. Thanks again all.
