92 eg hatch wont get spark and missing main relay


New Member
hi everyone. i'm new to the site and im having a major problem. i bought a 92 eg6 hatch about 3 days ago and its been running good but when i went to start it this morning it would not crank so i checked my distributor with a voltmeter and everything works but im not getting any spark. so i pulled apart the dash and my main relay is missing and i cnt find any of the wires that ran to it. i need some serious help to get this thing running again.


New Member
i also checked to see if the camshaft is spinning it and it is.


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Pulled apart the dash where? The main relay is behind the hood latch.


Registered VIP
Its there. With out it, you would have no fuel and your car would have never fired up. Unless someone swiped it when you weren't looking, its there.


New Member
im positive its not there it looks like the guy i bought it from had a fuel bypass on it to get fuel up to the engine. i think imma take the easy route and go get a new in dash wiring harness


Registered VIP
It doesnt control just fuel so if it did run with out one, youd have a hack job set up or something pretty custom. You're sure you know what youre looking for? Rectangle box that bolts around the hood popper near your shin. The connector should be brown with 7 or 8 heavy gauge wires in it. Maybe you are better off getting a new harness like you suggest if things look sketchy. Good luck man


New Member
yeah i have 3 eg hatch backs and my other 2 have them. i pulled the harnesses off last night and it looked like he had a fuel bypass and injector bypass.


Registered VIP
Interesting.. I would like to know the theory behind that. Guess I haven't been around Honda's long to know what you can gain by skipping the relay. Did it have a piggy back EMS or something?


New Member
oh yeah big time. there are also 3 other in dash relays missing. so itll be alot easier to just get the new harness that way i can start on my b16 build =)
