94 Ej1 redline problem (HELP)


New Member
I got a 94 Civic ex aka Ej1
Has D16z6 stock
Aem intake short ram and that is all....

The problem is that I should be able to push it to 7200
Mine gives out at 6400

I already tried a different ecu and it does the same thing
Anyone know?


Registered VIP
No check engine light I take it? What ECU are you using?


New Member
Ya there is a CEL code 41
I bought a new o2 sensor but it wont go away and I reset it but stays on.....
But before the CEL it would still do the same thing

Im using a stock p28 never been tampered with


New Member
I didn't have any CEL's but I had the same problem with my 95 Ex. Vtec wouldn't kick in till 5500rpms and cutout about 6500. I didn't find a solution but I hope you do. GL
