95 Civic Coupe Dx


New Member
First Of All Im New, I Bought a 95 Civic Coupe Dx black for 1500 with 78 thousand mile,The car run good new paint,everything work,a/c,heat everything up to date.But As you see is a Dx meaning there no power lock or window just manual and no sunroof i guess the engine is 1.5.But I want to hook this car up so what the difference beetween jdm mg lips and eg lips it seen to me on ebay is a great price http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/HONDA-CIVIC-92-95-2DR-MG-FRONT-SIDE-REAR-PU-LIP-KIT-JDM-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2c54f846e7QQitemZ190404118247QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories

I want to turn this stupid locks to power and the windows.I know I actually need an actuator for lock and motor for the windows and but what harness I need and the floor wires??..which door panel should I put?those switches look small nd ugly lol...


Stock As All Hell
Registered VIP
people who post about the downsides of DXs = no friends. lol, jp. He probably doesn't care it doesn't have VTEC at the moment. I know I didnt when I bought mine. I mean sure, I got VTEC, but that wasn't a determining factor to the decision of the purchase.


Gina my Lady in red
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
no it just the concept that 80% people without vtec are going to swap.


New Member
Heck Yeah I Care Dat It Doesnt Have Vtec.i Knew Dx Doesnt Include The Extras But The Price Was To Cheap.alot Of Jdm Motor Seem Piceless Like The B18 So I Ma Just Jump In On Of Those But Before I Swap I Wana Fok This Motor Up.


New Member
No offense taking,it just short (words) like "that" to "dat" , "f**k" to "fok" , "Im going to" to "im gonna " to " I ma" ...Do I have to be polite with big words? lol aight man I mean Alright lol
