'95 Honda Civic Si help


New Member
i got myself a 95 civic si and i'm looking to upgrade the engine and headers.
i was looking to upgrade to DC Sports headers and then throw in a B16a engine
i would just like your feedback and let me know what could get a little more hp than what i've chosen.
BTW heres my car =)



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I'm hoping your order was mixed up and you're going to do the engine swap before you change out the header (remember, you only have one.)

Your cheapest route to hp gains will always be a (homemade) turbo, but you could end up sacrificing reliability in the long run if you choose to go that way. An engine swap is a good way to (significantly) increase hp without sacrificing reliability. Just make sure to shop around for a good price.

As far as the header goes, that's a start. You'll also want to replace the exhaust (catback). Think of your car like a hose. Your engine is the spigot. Your header is the half connected to the spigot, your exhaust is the half where the water comes out. What would happen if you increased the diameter of the hose connected to the spigot but not the other half? Well, you'd have better flow initially, but it would end up bottlenecking once it hit the non-upgraded section of the hose and eventually the whole thing would get backed up anyway, pretty much just the same as if you had never upgraded the hose to begin with. Now if you ALSO increase the diameter of the open end of the hose, the water will flow through the entire house completely unobstructed.

If you increase the diameter of the header pipes, the flow can ultimately become bottlenecked when it hits the exhaust. Upgrade your exhaust as well, and you'll have that free flow.

Aside from that, pick up an ebay intake (don't waste your money on AEM or other expensive name brands). This is one of only a very few areas you are allowed to cheap out on. Buy an ebay intake and a K&N filter and you'll be good to go.

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I totally though EG civic si's were only hatchbacks so I learned something new today lol. I say hold of on any upgrades and save up for a b16 or b18 engine if u want to see real power upgrades without turbo. But it can be costly if you don't have the tools to do t yourself. Do u have a lot of prior engine knowledge, someone wig knowledge who can help out, somewhere to perform a swap, and tools cuz if so your pretty much set just do some research on what kind of power your looking to get and we'll help you from there. I know for me I had $1500 save and wanted something that could kill my cocky buddy's v6 stang so I studied up and settled on a GSR B18c1 for my eg. If u go to the top of the pge and click the civic specs button and go to the Honda motor codes you can see all the hp tq displacement etc about most engines


New Member
i have a aem air intake system and a DC sports exhaust.
Is the catback exhaust better or will the DC sports exhaust work? It is pretty big


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catback is just refering to the type of exhaust. Is the dc only axle back?
if you plan on swapping then id say hold off and save your money for that.
