99-00 OEM for light


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It looks like a pain in the ass to install the OEM fog lights on this model. If anyone has put them on there car (cleanly) let me know. Or should I just get the guys at Honda to do it? I like doing my own work but don't want to mess anything up.


Live Manikins
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as far as i know...2kstreetcivic and civic betty have both installed their fogs lights them selves. pm em and see whats up


American Honda=Domestic
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I was going to install them myself but its just too much work and i didnt have all the right tools. The hardest thing is just wiring everything together. I took mine to my dealership and they charged me 180 to get it installed


4 show till tickets go
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Was cutting the holes the easy part ? I installed aftermarket fog lights on my friends car and the wiring was easy.


Live Manikins
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i hear wiring is the easiest part, and cutting the holes is the most touchy part


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You're going to need at least 4-5 hours set aside to get this install done. Took my dad and I about 6 hours to get the foglights installed (with a couple of breaks here and there). We started at 9am and ended at 3pm.

Anyways... cutting the bumper is the most intricate part of the install. After that it's all pretty much removing a few screws here and there (under the dash) and plug -n- play.


ive doen that install twice once on mine and once on my sisters car . the wiring isthe easest part . i did mine in several days i did the wiring inside the car one day and then i did the wiring outside anther along with a the cutting of the bumper wich is the hardest thing only because u dotn want to f**k up .just cut the outline on the inside of the bumper it should be rite on and just keep test fitting to make sure u dont cut too much it may take a little while but its worth not messing it up


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by 2GCIVI
Was cutting the holes the easy part ? I installed aftermarket fog lights on my friends car and the wiring was easy.
drilling the holes were simple...connecting the holes so you would have a rectangle is HARD...because you have to use an carpenter knife and cut through your bumper...its pretty nerve racking...wiring is simple...he whole install is EASY just takes time and a little motivation to tell yourself to cut into your bumper..haha..heres a pic for yall......

You have to drill 7 holes, then cut along the tangents of them...In this picture there are 8 holes becuase the hole in the middle was a test drill to see how smoothly the drill would go through....enjoy..



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Cant wait to get some of those... might just pay to have em put in tho...


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by WiggerMan
Cant wait to get some of those... might just pay to have em put in tho...
pay to have them installed....not worth it, save the money, you will pay more for the install then for the fogs themselves


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I did mine myself and they came out really good. If you don't already, buy a dremmel. On the back of the bumper there is a scribe which outlines where to cut so f**k the 7 drilled seperate holes s**t. At the honda dealer i work at dremmel is key for this purpose. Be careful though, you can always take off but can't if you you take off too much. The rest is easy as hell. Directions are on handaaccessories.com. Good luck, but the end result will outweigh the hassle of 4 hours of bullshit.


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by Wss
I did mine myself and they came out really good. If you don't already, buy a dremmel. On the back of the bumper there is a scribe which outlines where to cut so f**k the 7 drilled seperate holes s**t. At the honda dealer i work at dremmel is key for this purpose. Be careful though, you can always take off but can't if you you take off too much. The rest is easy as hell. Directions are on handaaccessories.com. Good luck, but the end result will outweigh the hassle of 4 hours of bullshit.
ya a dremmel would be easier, but no need to buy one for just a foglight install


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oh yeah i hear that but it is usefull for many other things as well as this.


Originally posted by 2kstreetcivic
drilling the holes were simple...connecting the holes so you would have a rectangle is HARD...because you have to use an carpenter knife and cut through your bumper...its pretty nerve racking...wiring is simple...he whole install is EASY just takes time and a little motivation to tell yourself to cut into your bumper..haha..heres a pic for yall......

You have to drill 7 holes, then cut along the tangents of them...In this picture there are 8 holes becuase the hole in the middle was a test drill to see how smoothly the drill would go through....enjoy..

yeah when i did mine i used the instructions but when i did my sisters i used a knife from my kitchen worked better then that other knife.


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I dun have any kind of area or tools to install crap.... Live in Apartments and away from any motorheads of any kind :(


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Can you change the bulb in the OEM fog lights??? Or are they always that ugly yellowish color.... I have zenon headlights and i herd its hard to get your foglights to match your headlights so thats why i never bought foglights... or maybe i could get a solid yellow color... does anybody know if you can do this??????


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by edhgreatone
Can you change the bulb in the OEM fog lights??? Or are they always that ugly yellowish color.... I have zenon headlights and i herd its hard to get your foglights to match your headlights so thats why i never bought foglights... or maybe i could get a solid yellow color... does anybody know if you can do this??????
yes, the fog lights bulbs are just H3 bulbs....so you can change them, although I have heard if you put over 100 watt bulbs in there you can fry the wiring harness....This is a true 100 watt light...not the lights that are 65 watts but are said to be 125 watt normal light or some s**t, true 100 watt bulbs...good luck


Runnin to Redline
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Originally posted by WiggerMan
I dun have any kind of area or tools to install crap.... Live in Apartments and away from any motorheads of any kind :(
wow, that sucks man...too bad.
