A/C Clutch - Bearing replacement


New Member
Howdy forum!

I was out and about today in my 1993 Civic EX 1.5 SOHC when I started hearing a grinding noise. To be honest, I haven't really done any troubleshooting, but I am almost positive that it is a belt accessory. I have a feeling that it is the A/C clutch, for the simple fact that the noise changes when I turn the A/C on but then it goes back to the initial grinding sound. With that being said and if it turns out to be the clutch bearing, I have a question to ask some of you.... rather opinions really;

I see that my local auto parts store has A/C clutch bearings for somewhat cheap ($15-$25). So, in the event that the clutch bearing is really at fault, should I just replace the bearing or the whole clutch assembly?

I am leaning more towards just the bearing, for a couple of reasons in particular;
A) I'm broke. This would be the cheapest way to fix the issue.
B) I do not like to get certain junkyard parts, this being one of them (Clutch or bearing). But this reason sort of goes back to A. If it goes out or I get a bad clutch assembly or bearing, then I will have to pay $20 to be broke again.

I am just wondering if any of you have come across this issue. If so and you replaced just the bearing, how did it/is it holding up? Opinions definitely welcome! Thanks


Registered VIP
To know for sure, remove your AC belt. No noise, you found the problem. Noise, then keep looking.

As for the rest of your questions, i'm no help here. I remove the AC on everything I get.... Course I live in Alaska so.. We had like 10 days of over 85 this summer LOL


New Member
Smityro, Hi I'm in the same Broke and A/C Clutch Bearing situation and wondering which way you went with this. I also see the Clutch Bearing is sold separately and if you went this way how it worked out and if it was an easy bang out the old and bang in the new???


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I think you might be on your own. If you look at the date, the thread is from November 2 years ago. OP's last log in was November 2 years ago.
