A/c delete in 4th gen


Registered VIP
Condensor, compressor, lines, compressor drive belt, and the evaporator. You could leave the evaporator in if you wanted to and just block off the lines, but it looks cleaner if you just take it out.


New Member
Ok thanks will I have to block of lines going into the rad or does it hav a separate a/c rad and my buddy told me on his 95 with a b16 when he did the a/c delete the a/c had a separate belt is this true with the 90 also or will I hav to buy a smaller belt???? I could just look at it myself which I will but I wanna make sure it's done right.. Also he told me when he did it he could feel a differance does anyone else think so


Registered VIP
I'm not sure on a 4th gen but a quick look will answer that. The "a/c rad" you are talkin about is called the a/c condensor.


New Member
Ok thanks I kinda knew that its been awhile since I took the heating and cooling class in automotive class in high school lol I did look its on a separate belt so now just gotta let it get warm enough so I don't freeze my balls off doin it but I appreciate the info... My goal is to make it as bare under the hood as possible anything else I could take out that u kno of I saw a 96 once that was like that and I like it


Registered VIP
P/S delete and loop the rack, or get a manual steering rack. Also cruise control delete if you have it, basically anything you don't want/need just rip it out lol.


New Member
Lol.. Already no power steering or cruise control so ill jus hav to dig around and see what I can pull out
