blare said:
Nice bro, gimme your rims :X
Haha, thanks man. But no
Genuine Rolla said:
nice bro. what do you have for headlight bulbs..?
nice and clean man, nice and clean..
Its not much yet, so thanks for the compliment, I like to keep my cars presentable. You will see alot more appearance things next year, as well as more cowbell.
I have powder blue HIDs (Banzai Express) they come dual beam and w/ a 1yr. warranty, and I sell them as well, if you still want to do that trade we spoke of, perhaps we can work something out?
Silver Bullet said:
im feelin it get some foggies
Thanks bro and definitely, I will probably get clear fogs and throw some HIDs in there too.
bboygreddy said:
HIDs? x_X lol kiddin, i have hids too and when i take pics it makes it look hella bright like your pics. gahh i want si rims! nice clean car, i like it
Yea, I had extended exposure on, so it made it look even more glareful (if thats a word lol) thanks for the love man.