A real newbie question


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Where is the front jacking point on my 99 civic si, It should be obvious but i just don't want to mess up the front of my car, is it that small round metal piece sticking out through the body? or will that lil bastard smash when i jack my car up? Thanks in advance and sorry for my ignorance, i need to buy the service manual! :D


you can call me ABE
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no problem noob... haha

i always use the little metal jack point right behind the front tires...

i hope that helps.


OG スバリスト
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i think he's looking for the one underneath the frontend.


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how does that work? jack up one side and put a jack stand then the other side? is there not a front jacking point?


OG スバリスト
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i know there's one, because my civic's been jacked up by there before.


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Don't use the lower front clip to jack up the car..or you will jack up your car...pushing your radiator into your hood is bad mkay...

When I use jack stands...I jack just towards the front of the car from the factory jack points for the back and just behind the factory points for the front(you will notice a peice of the frame in line with the back of the wheel well...there is a whole or a cap on it). If get off my lazy but I will take pictures.



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I jack up my car from the little metal piece in the center, it kinda sticks out of the botton cover. if i need to lift my car higher though than i use the tow hook connectors on each side.
