Accord-Civic Interchangable?


New Member
We got a 97 Honda Accord with a bad tranny.
We got a 97 Honda Civic with a hole in the block.

Any way we can interchange anything with these 2 cars to get one of them running again?
As you can tell by my UN, Im worthless with vehicles as of right now.

ANY HELP or Advice is appreciated!


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First of all, welcome to the site.

As for your problem.....try looking it up. The information is SURE to be out there somewhere. Best place to start is to find out which engine is in both the Civic and the Accord. Then begin searching as to whether they can be mated or not.


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im pritty sure the accord has a f22 (bcuzz my 94 accord gotz it lol)
and the civic... most likely a d...
so no.. f and d do not mix try kijiji'ing the parts you need... most likely there will be a person who is parting out their car, just grab their block for ur civic and grab a seperate tranny off the matching accord/engine
