Air Conditioner


New Member
I need some advice

I just picked up a 98 Civic EX with a D16Y8. I am having some trouble with the AC in the car. :/ I have bought the upper and lower kit to measure pressures in both. I have vacuumed the entire system out to make sure there was no air in the system and then filled it. I use some about 4oz of pat oil and 20 oz of r134. No dice still hot air. Any ideas?

Come to find out, the previous owner had an OBD1 ECU in the civic that would not Engage the clutch for the AC Compressor. After changing it to a P2P ECU (OBD2) You could here the "CLAT" of the clutch engaging.

The check engine light. then came on and it is a KNOCK SENSOR. This sensor monitors the spark iginition of fuel.
Its mainly comprised of Piezoelectric materials; Crystals that when impacted, generate a voltage which is monitored by the ECU. It will either adjust the timing if possible or throw a check light..

Let me know if you have questions If i cannot answer them right off i will return with the right one!
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