Alignment issue?


New Member
So when I first got my car this happened..

After I got towed home. I noticed the damage to my affected side. And If I try to drive my wheel turns itself toward the hit side.

So i bought a new axel and control arms. Neither of my control arms were bent. Yet my right side is still pushed further back then my left. Is an alignment all I need? I don't know what else could have it like that.


Nothing but Performance
Registered VIP
Yes, I had an exact problem with a Honda hb. Sometimes, even if you replace the bent parts, the wheel will be the same because when it receives the blow the alignment will shift. Some get lucky and replacement parts get the job done but that might be because their wheels were not knocked out of alignment greatly

Also, try to be a bit more descriptive on what you saw behind your wheel and what control arms you bought (lower?upper?) and why or how you came to that conclusion (besides the obvious) because it might be that the lower control arm is bent but cant be seen at first glance. inspect as much as you can before you pay for an expensive alignment :drive:

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New Member
Thanks for the reply :suprise:.I bought both upper and lower control arms. And when I went to replace the axel I checked both my control arms by comparing them to the new parts I just bought, but if it is as difficult to spot as you made it seem I may have missed it.:???:, I'm just getting into doing my own work. I circled the block with it yesterday to check the axle but now it makes a hard clicking during right turns(toward problem side.)


Nothing but Performance
Registered VIP
That hard clicking could be many things but (it also may be the rack and pinion, it was for a friend of mine but itt was a strange situation but it was it)...things like that need a good inspection. It isn't hard but you must be thorough as possible, look at both wheels, the damaged one and the well aligned one. check everything, the camber the position of the wheel arms (their spacing), get jack or whatever you might have and take a look from under to get a different perspective. I do this all the time and it helps a Lot in deducing the problem. I was going to get a whole kit to fix my wheel but I ended up only needing the upper control arm and slight alignment. :D


New Member
Had the exact same problem in my old crx. Front frame was bent.....

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