Anybody running this...


Bracket Racing Junkie
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Anybody running one of These?

I'd like to hear some thoughts on these. I know ProCharger has the best charger kits going for Big Inch V8's, but I haven't heard anything about their Sport Compact kits.

Keep it Civil and fact based if possible. I like opinions as much as the next guy, but I don't want to hear "I bet they suck!!!" That's gives me absolutely no useful info.
And PUH-LEEEZE don't come in here telling me how much better So-and-So's kit is or how much better a Turbo Kit is, I've heard enough about Turbo's, now I want to know what's up with these!

Thanks in advance!

King Bob

The life'o Riley
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
I have seen the procharger on an accord, (guy I know's cousins friend kinda deal) dont know much about it but he did not seem to have any complaints. BTW it sounded really cool, not sure if any of this was useful though.... sorry
