anyone have pics of these?


"torga eight"
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just wondering if anyone has black chrome altezzas on their 6th gen 2d civic. just wanted to see some pics of what they look like on an actual car....lemme know! thanks!


"hail hail to old Purdue"
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uh oh you are lookin to get flammed.. lol.. there is a guy giving away a set of carbon fiber tezzas in this 6th gen forum section (cause most think they are gay).. and it was posted recently if you really have to i would hit him up.. but please please go with 99-00 tails..


"torga eight"
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haha...ya, i have stock taillights...well,'s what i've got so far...i haven't taken any pictures yet, but i bought altezza tails and smoked them REALLY black...too black, cuz i was getting pulled over cuz u couldn't see anything. It looked really nice though. So to compensate for all these tickets, i took off the corners that I blacked out and put back my stock corners, but left the two middle rears blacked. was thinking of putting in black chrome corner altezzas so I get the circle brake lights in, while leaving the center smoked tails black...

Hard to explain in words..maybe i'll have to take a picture or something...haha...what u think?

$lick Rick

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might look good, the only civics that can pull off tezza's imo are the 6th gen coupes and even then only sometimes. take some pics so we can give you a better answer


"torga eight"
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Yeah, i'll try and take some pics tomorrow and post them up or's a little too dark to see right now...

How do you post pictures btw? just wondering...


OG スバリスト
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TorGa3iGhT said:
Yeah, i'll try and take some pics tomorrow and post them up or's a little too dark to see right now...

How do you post pictures btw? just wondering...
if they are 640x640 or smaller, and filesize does not exceed 100k, you can attach up to five pics to your post using the 'manage attachments' button near the button of the reply post (or new thread) page.

rey had some tezzas, he painted them and they look real good right now


$lick Rick

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what yah mean dark? the only reason i'm not taking pictures for my website right now is because it's too bright and there would be hella glare... AND YOU'RE IN CALI!


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black tezzas look hot if they are on a black car.


"torga eight"
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haha...yeah, i have a black civic...i'll go out rite now and take some night pics, and i'll take some day pics in the morning...thx for the tips on uploading pics to the board....


"torga eight"
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pics of my car

ok, so just took some pics...i took ALOT more, but my hand was shaking when it was capturing the pics, so i am only posting two at the moment. I'll try and get some during the day and post them later on...

I originally blacked out all 4 altezza lenses so the whole back of my car was black, except that I was getting pulled over. So I took off the corner blacked out altezzas and put back my stock ones for the moment. What i want to do is get Black Chrome Altezzas and put them in just the corners.

was maybe considering other lenses, but not sure...waht do you think would work with this?
