Anyone know a good site for Cheap 98 Honda Civic EX parts


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5+ Year Member
Im looking for a used quick release steering wheel(for security purposes they already took my stereo dont need to lose my ride i have an alarm but the ppl on my block dont give a flying f**k if its going off s**t last time my neighbor said he watched them rob my old car they took my amp....>.> liek for real b***h you just sat there and watched lol)

Window regulators

Front bumper(silver)

and a stock deck . the last S.O.B who robbed me completely destroying my deck >.< my stereo just slipped out did even need to be wiggled much lol.

If your selling any of these let me know and if not could you please help me with a site.
>.> P.S

any thoughts on ebay quick release wheels? it sounds dangerous to me lol.


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5+ Year Member, the shopping tab.
Any aftermarket steering wheel is dangerous, mostly because of the lack of airbag.


New Member
5+ Year Member
>.>' aight...

well yeah im aware of that but im talking about the fact that they are like 50 dollars where as NGR and MOMO ones are 3 times the price.


New Member
Well then your paying for the name and 2 less pounds. There is a sight difference but if your getting it for securty just get a cheap on but if your going for looks then momo is the way to go
