I have a Apexi-I VAFC VTEC Controller and I was wondering if I REALLY need to get it set and tuned on the dyno or do other people have a 2000 EX and is it safe to use the settings you might have??
Yes it's safe to use the same settings of that of someone with equal mods.
Will your car respond the same... maybe, maybe not. Engines are much like twins... they might be the same (internally and externally) but they will act different. Your motor may not respond as well as someone elses even if you have the same mods and use the same V-AFC settings. It's best to get it tuned.
ok i have a crower aftermarket cam in my 2000 civic EX, one of my frineds said i should invest in the VAFC, i have I/H/E and msd ignition, and i know i need the adjsutable cam gear oo,let meknw