ATTN! Glowstick are NOT toxic!


Hell yea I suck toes!
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But they do taste pretty nasty.

Your tax dollars hard at R&D.

Discovery: Put glowsticks in the microwave, and its amazing. No they dont blow up.

-- Why is this on here? Because its friday, we have nothing to do, but we get to sit here in my shop while eveyone and their brother is off enjoying the beer.


Did sum1 say mud??
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Glowstick taste horrible. I remember a few years ago i had one of the small ones you could fit into you mouth. i bite down on it too hard and turned my tongue green. yuck!


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Awesome. I hope that's your new facebook/myspace picture. :lol:


Your mom's boyfriend
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Alright nugget, stop wasting my f**king chemlights... goddamn I have to jump through 52 hoops of fire to get chemlights and you're scamming out and seeing how bad they taste.

...jk jk, don't cry. They're cool for making signs (read: dicks) on the flightline for the crew chiefs to see when they land.

got traction

i rock the sohc
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i had one break open in my pocket during a night op....turned everything in my wallet sticky and made my debit card stop working
