attn: turbod peeps


iTrader EVERYthing
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Alright well Im getting a different downpipe made this weekend, im internally wastegated using a gt28, my question is, Ive heard that having one big exhaust opening for both the wg and exhaust actually causes a loss of hp, so I wanna make sure that when I get it fabbed, that I get it fabbed right since Im already going to the effort to redo it. Ive seen dumptubes where theres a seperate pipe for the wg, and it gets routed into the dp later on, is this really better or can it just all go into one exhaust directly from the turbine side? I dont want to run open wg..


iTrader EVERYthing
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hmm...well thats basically just routing everything into one pipe..any shop can make somethin like that, and why is the flapper for the wg on there? internally wastegated already come with it or I guess that replaces it? So I guess I might as well keep the 5 bolt flange I have and have a shop just route everything into one pipe? Idk I heard that routing the wg in the same as your exhaust causes loss of hp, so options are either a "dump tube", where a seperate pipe connects in later for the wg or running open wg ( which I dont wanna do because i dont want all that exhaust in my bay :( )


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bumpty bump for beer bongs @ 4 in the afternoon


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that replaces the stock cast piece for the internal wg. the reason people use a divorced pipe for an internal wg is because of the poor flow of the stock piece, that atp turbo part replaces the stock flapper cover (not the flapper and mechanism) with a high flow v band adapter, which flows far better. im sure any good shop could make it, but i doubt it would come out as nice, especially if they didnt have the real thing to copy, not to mention it probably wouldnt be much, if any, cheaper. if your going internal, that is THE part to have to ensure you get max hp from your turbo.


iTrader EVERYthing
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thanks for the help, the only problem is, that the piece doesnt curve immediately and I need it to cause im trying to keep my ac. ( I have MAYBE 4" to play with, cause my turbine outlet is on the drivers side.) Thus I cant really use that piece, so any other suggestions?
