is really missing me off


2004 Civic Hopefull
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
So I ordered a few things ago. Shipment was fast. However I got defective emblems. I have emaild them twice and no reply after a week and a half. Interesting if you ask me and you only get 30 days to exchange them. And I spent the money for them but they are dicking me around. It's really pissed me off, but I don't want to call them and pay the long distance fees and my fax machine doesnt do long distance... Argh.. wtf someone help me out


say no to rotas
Registered VIP
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ummm buy a calling card, then b***h at them


2004 Civic Hopefull
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
One of the emblems that I got had black paint inside of it over the H, and the other was terribly scratched up. I don't currently have a cam right now or I would take pics.. but when I do and if they still haven't fixed it then I will take pics to show you all.


New Member
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
damn that sucks, i live near autodynamic (10 mins away) and i got my red/clear tail lights from them and they made a rattling sound some plactic piece was stuck inside the lense and i couldnt take it out so i replaced them and that one also had the same problem, but the 3rd time was fine but i was lucky i lived near it to check them out before instaling them. hope they can work something out for you.
