B16 overfuelling


New Member
I have a 1990 UKDM CRX fitted with a B16A2 EK4 VTI engine running of the CRX OBD0 management.

The engine ran fine but started loosing spark so i tried a distributor. Got spark back but no fuel so built afew dizzy's until i got fuel and spark but now it's drowning the plugs with fuel.

I've checked timing from top to bottom and all is spot on. Tried another ecu, tried bypassing the main relay, checked plug lead order and tested all the new sensors in the dizzy.

What else can it be?


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5+ Year Member
Sounds like an injector problem, like the resistor box is freaking out. What injectors are they? Obd1, obd2.


New Member
Sounds like an injector problem, like the resistor box is freaking out. What injectors are they? Obd1, obd2.
The injectors are from the car OBD0 same as the whole engine management system.

I was thinking it may be the resistor pack but is there a way to test it?


Registered VIP
Yes, it can be tested with an ohm meter. Google it for the correct numbers. Im on my phone or i'd Google-fu for you.


New Member
Update so far -

Found out the ecu i was given is bad, plug it in and the main relay clicks but no fuel pump action. Plug mines back in and all works as it should.

Just recently found out that there is a difference between the crank wheels in the OBD0 and OBD1/2 dizzy's. Might seem and obvious mistake to some but i have never came across any info on this in over a year of looking about Honda distributors online.

So built another with a good ICM and my ecu put up CEL 8, TDC sensor, so replaced it but still no go.



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5+ Year Member
Put an obdo diz in, a new one. I looked back at my book of 88-91 stuff that I wrote building a tin of them. This problem occurred one time on me and that is what I did.
