b16a2 or b18c1 for $1k more?


world war wilson
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
here's the dilemma:
i have, in my posession, a b16a2 with everything i need to do to complete the swap into my dx hatch. i'm pretty pumped on it and all, but this evening my friend called me saying he just got a b18c1 from a junkyard and he will trade it to me for my b16 + $1000. should i do it? oh yeah, if it's of any consolation... my b16 swap has 34k miles on it, the gsr has unkown mileage although it is from a 97 teg.


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
I'd keep the SIR II. at least you know what you have. better chance of unknow problems with the other. it's up to you though. I would take a GSR over the SIR but in this case it might be better to stick with the SIR.
