My friend has a 94 del sol VTEC with the B16A3, and we are getting a turbo for it. We are going to get the full Turbonetics turbo setup. Im not sure what kinda turbo tho, i think he said t2/t3, but im not an expert on turbos and i dont know if a t2/t3 exists. well anyway on to the question. Supposeable we heard that the engine can handle 6 pounds of boost on a bone stock motor. Im just wondering if this is true. What is the max we could run on a bone stock engine pounds wise? Also, later on we will be running all new drive train with turbo cams and double spring valve springs, and prolly a bigger head gasket. My friend wants to put it up to 10 pounds, do you think a vtec can handle it? Personally i hate the idea of turbo on b16 cause you cannot run lots of boost with the high compression, i wanted him to go all motor but o well. Let me know what you all think!