b18a1 into 93 4 door


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whats up every1, i am a new member and here is my situation. A guy at work sold me his 90 integra 4 door, with a b18a1 in it. So basically i have everything, mounts, axles, tranny, ecu, harness, bigger radiator...u get the point. I plan to put it into a 4 door 93 dx. Now here is my question, i cant for the life of me, find information on the exact swap that i plan to do. Am i going to be able to use the mounts that i have on my d15, and the b18a1 in conjuntion to drop that sucker right in, or do i need the mount kit hasport sells. I know that i need the cable to hydro conversion. Thnx for the help. peace.

BioHazard the Reaper

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well fisrt things first, that swap is illigeal....second its not, nor will be a drop in swap...your car hasy a hydro tranny, that b18 is a cable tranny...obd is different....just keep it in the teg, sell the teg and buy a b18b...


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o well i dont really care if it's legal, i have the ecu and wiring harness, so the obd issue shouldnt be that hard right?


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i am dropping in a GSR motor in my 2dr 94 dx and i was told by my club freinds that i didn't need new motor mounts but to get them anyway....i would go with the GSR instead of the LS...you'll get more from it in the long run


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if you really wanted to put in the work you can convert the cable to a hydro there are kits for that


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i hope you dont plan on using that car on the streets, cus its illegal. putting an older engine in a newer car is illegal. it would also be a b***h to do, the cable->hydro conversion isnt easy, nor is wiring an obd0 motor into an obd1 car. you would use a combination of civic and teg mounts to get it to fit right. basically, dont do it. the gain in hp isnt much (that motor only has 130 hp) and the work involved is substantial.


MazdaSpeed Wannabe
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This may seem like a total n00b question, but how can an engine swap be illegal? I'm in Canada, so no one up here cares (the laws are really lax). But how is it "illegal" in the good ol USofA?


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*threads merged* dont make 2 threads with the same question please.


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You cant swap an older motor into a newer car. The motor has to be of the same year or newer. If he brings his car in for a smog, they will not pass it, then he will be driving around in a unregistered vehicle. Then when he gets pulled over for bad tags the cop will ask why then find out he has an illegal swap then get a ticket for the registration and the swap. Thats what would happen in california anyways =)


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no im all set with the legality issues, i got plenty of friends to hook it up with stix, thnx for the info, the engine is odb1 anywayz, so all i gotta do is get the mount kit. Im a machinist too, so its gonna have a lot more then 130, im completly rebuilding it. it'll be type R, with an even bigger stroke.


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that's only in states with emission tests :D
here in good ol oregon we can swap in a f00kin lawnmower engine as long as it will drive at the posted speeds =]


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its also illegal to pump your gas yourself in oregon :haha:

BioHazard the Reaper

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Originally posted by civjake2
no im all set with the legality issues, i got plenty of friends to hook it up with stix, thnx for the info, the engine is odb1 anywayz, so all i gotta do is get the mount kit. Im a machinist too, so its gonna have a lot more then 130, im completly rebuilding it. it'll be type R, with an even bigger stroke.
NO the engine is not obd1....the b18a1 never came as obd1, and never will come as obd1, it IS obd0....period....That cable to hydro is gonna cost about 700 dollars.(thats just for the kit), then you gots to the labor or pay someone, and its a b***h.....the wiring is a b***h, as youd pretty much have to rewire your ENTIRE car.....so as i, and others, have said, dont do it, its illegal, and will be a b***h to get running, if your lucky enough to get it running


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why exactly is that swap illegal? just cause of emmisions?


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tyler dummy come on, you know better than that. all motors made before 91 are obd0. all motors made from 92-95 are obd1. all motors made from 96 on are obd2. the b18a from 90-91 is obd0, but from 91-92 it switched to obd1. just like the b18b from 94-95 was obd1, and then in 96 switched to obd2. but wiring that 90 motor to work in your 93 civic will be difficult. it would also be easier to get a hydro ls tranny from a 94+ teg than do the cable- hydro conversion. but s**t, why not just get the whole 94+ teg swap while your at it, much easier to wire, legal, and more hp.


Hype R & Zc Driver
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So would my DOHC ZC swap be illegal in my 93 hatch?


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there r ways of easily gettin around smog...
